
Marina near Skivarp

Last edited 05.03.2024 at 11:38 by NV Charts Team


55° 23’ 9.9” N


13° 32’ 50.9” E


Small fishing boat harbour, situated 2 nm west of Abbeks (no plan).

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the unlit harbour is from the SSW and is only possible during the day in calm weather. The entrance and the harbour itself are prone to silting up, so those unfamiliar with the area should avoid it if possible.


There are no fixed places for guests. One lies alongside the local fishermen. The water depth is only about 1 m. Since the small boat harbour is very unprotected to the south, it cannot be recommended for guests.


There are no utilities or sanitation facilities at the port or nearby. But there is a nice restaurant right at the harbour. 

NV Land Guide

This place is hardly visited by pleasure craft, because only very shallow boats can call at the harbour of Hörte. Four houses stand near the harbour and a small ruin south of the settlement on the road. However, the ruin is by no means a castle remnant, but rather a "ruined new building" from around the turn of the century. Ruins were fashionable, so to speak, during the Romantic period.

Marina Information

Max Depth 1 m


Phone +46 70 653 20 39
Website https://www.hortehamn.se





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