
Marina near Smygehamn

Last edited 17.07.2024 at 22:26 by NV Charts Team


55° 20’ 16.7” N


13° 21’ 30.2” E


Small fishing and pleasure boat harbor at the southernmost tip of Sweden, Smygehuk.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the lighted harbor is possible by day and night. It takes place in the leading fire (2 F.R) with 3°. However, the fire only burns from August 1 to June 1. Caution is advised with the extensive nets that extend up to 1 nm seaward to the east of the harbor. There is a buoyed no-anchoring area (cable) to the west of the harbour.

Strong onshore winds can make it considerably more difficult or even impossible to enter the harbour in corresponding swells.


A very limited number of berths are available at the moorings marked with green signs for yachts (with finger pontoons). Or you can arrange with the fishermen to moor next to them. The water depth is 1.5 - 2 m.


In addition to a kiosk and a fishmonger there are other amenities in the village, which is about 800m east of the harbor.

Sanitary facilities and a boatyard with slipway are located at the harbor.

STF guest harbor standard

NV Land Guide

Smygehamn near Smygehuk, the southernmost point in Sweden, consisted of just three houses in 1657. By 1684, the small settlement had become a small village whose livelihood was initially based on fishing. In the 19th century, the black market and smuggling were added as sources of income. The Kaufmannsspeicher, a warehouse built by merchants from Malmö and Ystadt, played an important role in this, where, as was customary for smugglers and black marketeers, shady business was conducted, especially at night. Only the merchants' straw men communicated with the captains of the barges and the fully rigged ships.

Today, art and handicrafts are exhibited and sold in the former smugglers' warehouse. Folk music days are also held in the warehouse. The tourist office is also located here. Here you can also buy the Smygediplom, which shows in black and white that you have been to the southernmost tip of Sweden.

Originally, there was a limestone quarry on this site. The harbor was only developed into a proper port in the 1920s after the quarry was abandoned. Between the harbor and the warehouse is one of the oldest lime kilns in the north, which was built in the mid-19th century by the German Hermann Wendt. It was built in the mid-19th century by the German Hermann Wendt. Other preserved kilns can be seen to the north-east of Östra Torp church.

The 17-metre-high Smygehuk lighthouse, which was built in 1883, is no longer in operation. The Kullagrund automatic lighthouse has replaced it since 1975. However, there is a beautiful panoramic view from the platform of the lighthouse. The lighthouse keeper's house is now a youth hostel. Sweden's southernmost headland is also home to two Stone Age graves, the Stora (large) and Lilla (small) burial chambers.

You can buy freshly smoked fish in the pretty harbor of Smygehamn, which is lined with red fishermen's huts. There is a cozy little café at the harbour with a view of the sea. There is also a kiosk. The caravan park next to the harbour attracts additional visitors.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2 m


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