
Marina near Kurland

Last edited 16.04.2024 at 16:01 by NV Charts Team


55° 22’ 30.6” N


13° 3’ 14” E


A fishing and small boat harbour very typical for the coast of Schonen (Skåne).

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the lighted harbour should only be made by those unfamiliar with the area during the day, as the coast of Stavtensudde, deep into Kamping Bay, is shallow and unclean.

The approach is from the south in the white sector via a 600m long, designated channel, which can be navigated with a draught of up to 1.7m.

Strong onshore winds can make approaching quite difficult or even (in a corresponding swell) impossible.

Good landmarks are the church and the wind turbine with its 80m high tower northeast of the harbour.


Here are only few guest places. Either one lies on the inside of the eastern outer pier or on free places, which are green signposted. The water depth in the harbour is about 2m.


With the exception of fuel (from the fishermen), fresh water and a food bus that comes twice a week, you won't find any utilities here. The sanitary facilities are quite basic.

Good bus connection to Trelleborg.

NV Land Guide

Skåre is a nice little fishing village that has a pristine feel. Narrow streets and meadow areas for hanging fishing nets catch the eye as pleasant contrasts. Fishermen's huts dominate the picture at the harbour, which is also the berth for a rescue cruiser. About a kilometre north of Skåre, Europe's largest wind turbine stands on a hill west of the E6 at Maglarp. It is a prototype built in 1982, which is only put into operation from 7 m/sec. wind. wind and reaches its maximum energy yield at a wind speed of 14 m/sec. wind. Questions about wind energy use are answered in an exhibition room right next door.

The church of Maglarp (two kilometres to the north-east), which is worth seeing from the outside and inside, dates from the 12th century and is thus one of the oldest brick churches in Scandinavia. Two kilometres further north, in the village of Skegrie, there is a mill and a pottery. Both are well worth a visit, with exhibitions at the mill open on Sundays.

Just off the E6, directly opposite Skegrie church, is the Skegrie barrow, a long dolmen with a rectangular burial chamber. The tomb dates from around 2900 BC.

East of the harbour, next to the Trelleborg golf course on the headland of Stavsten, a building stone commemorates the landfall of the escaping King Charles XII in 1715, who had managed to escape from captivity in Turkey and land here on the coast. The boat trip had been preceded by a daring ride through the Ottoman Empire.

There are no supplies in Skåre - apart from the food wagon that runs to the harbour twice a week.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2 m


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Public Transport



Chris Michels, ClieMaLou
Leuke kleine haven
16.08.2023 08:37
30.06.2022 06:39

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