
Marina near Lassan

Last edited 10.07.2023 at 20:22 by Hermann, Kulkuri


53° 57’ 7” N


13° 51’ 22.4” E


Small, well-developed fishing and sports boat harbour at Lassaner Bucht.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is recommended for those unfamiliar with the area only during the day, as the entire Lassaner Bucht is unclean. The unclean areas consist of pile dwellings, similar to the herring fences in the Schlei, but not visible on the water surface. The buoyed, 1.8m deep approach is not lighted. It is from the approach buoy Lassan with 222° up to buoy 2, from which one then drives directly towards the well visible installations.


At the pier and at the floating pontoons guest boats find moorings. The water depth at the jetties is 1,1-2m.


The harbor offers a wide range of services, including a boatyard, engine repair shop, and a slip for trailered boats.

The small town, where time seems to have stopped at the turn of the century, offers good shopping and utilities, as well as some cozy eateries.

NV Land Guide

In the great days of sailing, the small town was the scene of lively trade. Sailing schooners were moored in the harbour, squat helmsmen's and captains' houses dominated the scene in the town, as did a few merchants' houses. The neat, two-storey half-timbered house at the harbour belonged to a merchant who is now revered as a son of the town, Senator Rosse. By lovingly caring for the building today, the community still wants to commemorate the generosity and bounty of the barge owner and lumber merchant who died over 150 years ago. The convinced bachelor (his housekeeper lived on the first floor) donated a park and a shooting lodge to the town. A memorial stone from 1882 in this park, which was donated to the town, is dedicated to the "Captain of the Rifle Guild."

The completely restored water mill in Mühlenstraße (near the market) is also a reminder of old times.

The work on the old structure took six years, and it was rededicated in its old splendor in 1988. A water mill wheel first turned here as early as 1410. Today the museum of local history is located in the old building. On the basis of historical objects (e.g. looms), not only the history of crafts and the school system are illuminated, but also the development of the town as a whole, including the 30-year war.

Some houses in Lassan have certainly seen better days, whereby the renovation of some streets poses a very special problem, because the gable walls of the houses are connected.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2 m
Berth Width 3 m
Berth Length 10 m


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Hermann, Kulkuri
Dieses Jahr sind die Ausleger nicht im Wasser. Dadurch wenige Plätze längs zum Schwimmsteg. Vorsicht, die Flansche stehen weit ab. Ansonsten, na ja, der Ort ist schnuckelig
10.07.2023 20:22
Martina / Martin Teterra, CONZISKA
Zur Not geht's
16.06.2022 16:12

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