
Marina near Krummin

Last edited 05.07.2024 at 08:57 by Ralph, EMMA


54° 2’ 42” N


13° 50’ 56.5” E


Very beautifully situated natural harbour with jetty in the northern part of the Krumminer Wiek.

NV Cruising Guide


A good landmark is the church tower of Krummin, which towers with its top over a group of trees. From light buoy 72 (Fl.R.4s) of the main fairway, steer 15° at water depths of 2.5m towards a clearly visible forest aisle. About 80m east of the reed nose the access begins, a dredging channel marked with red and green buoys (target depth 2.5m).


With a total of 150 berths, guests will find plenty of free stalls on 1.5 - 2.5m water depth.


Since the beginning of the 2021 season, a new comfort sanitary building leaves nothing to be desired in terms of space and cleanliness.

The small village is known for its cultural events in the church on summer weekends. The idyllic marina offers all service facilities like water, electricity, crane and repair facilities for engine or sail.

NV Land Guide

Krummin, left behind by tourism, is one of the most pleasant villages on Usedom. The village, which has a population of around 200, impresses above all with its tranquil and secluded location. Protective reed belts surround the moorings in the northwestern bay of Krumminer Wieck, making it a natural harbour that is one of the most popular with pleasure craft.

The 30 or so houses line the village street and its side paths in a loose arrangement. The focal point is the Michaeliskirche (St. Michael's Church), which is already clearly visible as it enters the village and was moved from Bokow on the Gazberg to the Krumminer Wieck in 1278, along with the village itself. There is also a restaurant and two cafés in the village.

Why the village, first mentioned in a document in 1230, was relocated is unknown. However, it is known that Krummin was the seat of a Cistercian nunnery from 1303 to 1536, where the Pomeranian nobility brought their unmarried daughters. The nuns' breadwinners were the peasants of the surrounding area, who had to pay dues to the monastery until the Croats came during the 30 Years' War. They plundered and destroyed the convent, of which only the former  location is known. The church was also razed in the 30-year war, but was rebuilt as a pastorate church in the following Swedish period.

Around 1790 Krummin became Prussian, the von Corswant family took over the property and had a manor created. The descendants of the von Corswants donated a tower and a side aisle to the church in 1857. In this form, the church, which holds remains of an old Marian altar and grave slabs from the 18th century, is still preserved today.

In the old vicarage, Pastor Meinhold (1827-1874) wrote his "Amber Witch" (see Zinnowitz and Neppermin), a novel about a witch hunt passed off as a factual account, which caused much commotion and in the end cost the pastor his church office. The church bell still bears an inscription by him.

Krummin was far more important than it is today, even the cultural centre in the north-western part of the island of Usedom with its manor, school, parish seat, registry office and church. Today, only the church remains, where concerts and lectures take place in summer.

The manor house in the western part of the village is in ruins and served as a chicken coop. It fell victim to the pickaxe in 1949 because the stones were needed to build other houses. Today, parts of the ruin have been turned into a residential building.

From the jetties, there is an excellent view of the steep coast of Gnitz to the southeast, which glows white in the evening sunlight and is therefore called the white mountain. The nature reserve of the Gnitz includes old alluvial land with parts of a salt marsh landscape, swamps and dry grassland areas as well as a juniper  pine forest. From the steep shore there is a beautiful view of the Krummin natural harbour and over the Achterwasser.

Wolgast is far enough away (5km) to be spared traffic and noise, but close enough for a trip (via Neeberg) there. This way, however, you won't pass through the unique linden avenue that stretches from the main road directly to Krummin and is considered one of the longest continuous linden avenues in Europe. 298 hundred-year-old winter lime trees make for a unique appearance.

Marina Information


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Reiner Biffar, Sausewind
Jede Fahrt instead Achterwasser führt uns nach Krummin
01.05.2021 18:12
Guntram Auer, Karlchen
15.08.2020 22:22
Guntram Auer, Karlchen
Schöner Hafen mit nettem Resto und Top Sanitäranlagen. Im kleinen Ort zwei sehr schöne Cafés mit leckerem Kuchen und kleinen Speisen oft selbst gemacht. Man sitzt im alten Garten der Besitzer
15.08.2020 22:21
Mathe, Ghost
Sehr schön
26.05.2020 20:40

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