Greifswald Wieck

Marina near Greifswald (Wieck)

Last edited 16.10.2023 at 11:28 by NV Charts Team


54° 5’ 39.8” N


13° 26’ 58.1” E


Canal-like harbour for fishing vessels and pleasure boats located in the southwest of the Greifswald Bodden.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to Greifswald-Wieck is possible day and night. The fairway is well buoyed and lit. From buoy G4/L2 you steer with 183° in the white sector directly in front of the northern pier and then into the harbour. The passage width at the barrier is 21m, the maximum possible draught 3.4m.

Note: Maximum speed 4 kn from the Steinbecker bridge (city centre) to the pier heads (Wieck).


The entire north-west shore can be used by pleasure craft with the exception of the quay in front of the harbour office, water depth 2.7 - 4m. It should be noted that passenger vessels and barges occasionally moor in front of the barrage. The harbour master is responsible for all berths on the northern shore. On the south shore the number of guest berths is limited, water depths in the pits 1.7 - 2.8m. The south quay in front of the bridge is reserved for fishing vessels. Behind the bridge you can moor on the south shore.


Restaurants and sanitary facilities are available on both shores at the yacht moorings. Utilities are available in Wieck (north shore).

A visit to the Eldena monastery ruins and the restored town of Greifswald, 4.5km to the west, is recommended.

NV Land Guide

The drawbridge across the Ryck River, built on the Dutch model, is one of the historical attractions of the Greifswald district of Wieck. Coming from the lake, just before it lies another, the Strumflutsperrwerk. The somewhat futuristic-looking structure, which was commissioned in 2016, serves to protect the coast in conjunction with the dike expansion.

The bridge, on the other hand, connects Wieck with Eldena and, like the entire fishing village, is a listed building. In 1887, the banks were connected with the wooden construction consisting of thick planks. And because from then on the ferry fees were saved and the construction costs for the bridge had to be raised, the municipality created a scale of charges for the use of the bridge and employed two bridge attendants who collected from the passengers passing through.

Passing the bridge with a carriage and several passengers was not a cheap pleasure, as 15 pfennigs had to be paid per horse and 5 pfennigs for each passenger. According to the tariff regulations of 1939, riders paid 20 pfennigs and pedestrians 5 pfennigs. Car drivers were asked to pay 25 pfennigs, that is, if their vehicle weighed no more than 2.5 tons. In that case, the detour to the next bridge had to be chosen.

The bridge is 55.10 m long, its height above MW is 2.50 m unopened and 13.30 m opened. The width is 7.5 m, the clearance width 10.70 m.

Cars require a special permit to use the bridge, this has the advantage that no through traffic rolls through Wieck. It is relatively quiet in the fishing village, which is considered one of the oldest between the Elbe and Oder rivers. It was first mentioned in a document in 1284 and still has buildings from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. One of the oldest house types is the longitudinal house from the Dutch area. Later came the fishermen's cottages and in the early 1800s the massive captain's house. Today, the village is mainly characterised by the so-called Tweepott houses, whereby the presumably oldest of the Wieck houses (17th century) is located at Rosenstraße 16. The vicarage at Kirchstraße 29 represents a classic town house.

In the harbour office at the pier, pictures of ships point to the maritime tradition of the fishing village with its reed-roofed houses. A few collectibles brought back by Greifswald sailors from all over the world, including shells and starfish, only modestly reflect the former importance of Greifswald's maritime trade. The high tide mark on the captain's house commemorates the terrible storm tide of 1872, which also cost lives in Wieck.

The harbour was the lifeline of the town, especially during the time of the Hanseatic merchants in Greifswald, and the foundation stone for the emergence of a rich merchant class. Later, fishing was the most important source of income, which still plays a role today. The fishing grounds extend as far as the island of Bornholm. In addition to herring, pike and plaice, flounder, pike-perch and eel are caught.

One kilometre southeast of the old fishing village, another much older sight is worth a visit, the Eldena monastery ruins. It was from here that the development of the town of Greifswald started in the 13th century, the monastery having been founded (initially under the name Hilda) as early as 1199. Originally based in Esrom on the island of Zealand, the monks of the Cistercian Order had initially tried to gain a foothold on Rügen. However, this failed due to the ongoing power struggles on the island. The mouth of the Ryck was chosen as the new location, where the monastery already owned the nearby salt springs. Traditions prove that every step of the colonization of the land was planned in detail, from the building of the monastery to the creation of the market town. In 1204 the new foundation of the monastery was confirmed and in 1207 island prince Jaromar I provided the monks with land and tax rights. It was their merit not only to introduce brick construction and to create a network of roads, but also to establish an agrarian culture. They passed on agricultural knowledge by means of model estates and gardens. However, this was by no means done altruistically, as the peasants were to learn when church taxes were levied. The importance of the monastery can also be seen in the architecture of the complex, in which dukes of Pomerania were buried.

The Order's land holdings grew to 15,000 hectares mainly through endowments and donations from the nobility anxious for their salvation. With increasing wealth, the monks could not only afford to buy "Mönchgut" on Rügen, but also (after they had acquired the right to hold markets in 1421) to bring "their" town of Greifswald into being. It quickly developed into a trading town dominated by the monastery, hardly inferior to Stralsund and Stettin.

After the Reformation, the monastery was dissolved and eventually (1634) donated to Greifswald University. It fell into disrepair after being plundered by Swedish troops and was eventually declared a quarry by the Swedes.

Parts of the choir and transept of the monastery's once massive church survive. Remnants of buildings also remain of the nave of the nave and the west wall, some still with the tall lancet windows and the entrance gates. The south-eastern part of the complex is an excellent venue for nocturnal musical events, especially classical and jazzy pieces played by torchlight.

The ruins surrounded by a park had already cast a spell on the town's most famous son, the painter Caspar David Friedrich (see Sassnitz). He painted it several times and thus drew attention to it again. The romantic view of art at the time of Caspar David Friedrich saved the ruin from further destruction. In 1828 it was one of the first buildings in Germany to be placed under a preservation order. A narrow path leads from Wieck/Eldena to the monastery ruins.

Marina Information


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Public Transport




Martina / Martin Teterra, CONZISKA
Als 1-2 Tagesstop liegt man hier gut wenn Platz ist.
15.06.2022 09:33
Raoul Velten, Mootje
Eine schöne gelegene Marina am Eingang Richtung Greifswald. Zu Fuß erreicht man Greifswald in ca. 1h, was ein durchaus lohnenswerter Spaziergang ist entlang des Kanals. Vor Ort findet man diverse Restaurants, Imbisse und der gleichen. Die Sanitäranlagen sind i.O. aber je nach Liegeplatz etwas weiter entfernt. Wieck ist definitiv ein Stop wert, wenn man nicht direkt zentral in Greifswald liegen möchte.
04.08.2021 16:39
NV Charts Team
Es wurde eine Grundberührung beim Anlegen mit dem Heck ca. 1m vor Ziel (Tiefgang 2m) gemeldet. Die Tiefe soll gemäß Kundenmitteilung in Ufernähe stark ansteigen. Es wird daher empfohlen, im Pierbereich nur vorwärts anzulegen.
02.07.2021 12:19

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