
Marina near Freest

Last edited 19.01.2023 at 17:17 by NV Charts Team


54° 8’ 14” N


13° 43’ 53.8” E


Protected fishing and yacht harbour on the Greifswalder Bodden southwest of the Peene estuary.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the fishing harbour is possible day and night. If you want to enter the marina at night, a searchlight should be used
Coming from the Greifswalder Bodden or from the south, you enter the harbour at buoy 13/F1 of the Peenestrom fairway at 241.7° in the fairway marked by two buoys. In the harbour entrance, where there is a stone pier with a guest jetty to starboard, you turn to port into the marina.


There are berths in the shipyard harbour and the marina. The fishing harbour is so busy with fishing boats and cutters that yachtsmen cannot find a place at the quay there. It is not allowed to moor at the south pier (company premises) and the southern part of the west pier (fuel station).

The marina offers guests a number of pit berths at 1.5 - 1.7m water depth, in the wharf harbour you moor at 2.5m depth.


Sanitary facilities and a shop are available, as well as a repair yard. You can get fish daily from the fishermen of Freest.

4km west-northwest of the harbour stands - visible from afar - the former nuclear power plant of Greifswald.

NV Land Guide

Founded in 1298, this fishing village is known for its woodcarvings and Freest fishing rugs. Since the Great Depression in 1928, knotting and weaving was a typical winter occupation in the fishing families, as was woodworking. Carpet weaving was at first only an extra income and a substitute for the fishing industry, which was in decline, but then remained a worthwhile sideline.

The motifs of the Freest carpets are typical, because they are related to the landscape, the sea and nature. Instead of complicated patterns, seagulls, anchors, waves and compass roses are among the ornaments depicted. According to the motto, "Wi knüppen und wäben een Teppich fört Läben", six to eight pounds of Mongolian sheep's wool are used in each square meter of carpet. The imported wool and the painstaking, time-consuming work make the carpets sought-after pieces.

The forest around Freest has always provided enough material for carving and turning. Whereas in the past it was more common to make utilitarian items for the kitchen and garden, today the focus is on decorative woodcarvings. The old shoehorns or wooden slippers have had their day.

Tradition is writ large in the fishing village of Freest. Independent folk dances such as the "Schweden-Quadrille" and the "Greifswalder Kegel" are just as cultivated as the Low German songs in the Freester Heimatchor. Old stories and legends are collected and retold, for example the story of the honest Tucker in Freest, to whom a poor traveller once asked for alms. As the lunch table was set with self-caught fish and bought potatoes, the traveller was asked to join in and help himself, which the hungry wanderer did. In order to fill his growling stomach more quickly and not to strain the hospitality, he first bravely reached for the potatoes and spared the fish. For a while the Tucker watched this calmly, but when it became too much for him, he jumped up angrily and shouted to the bewildered guest: "Du Lüchting, frett Fisch; de Tüften sind düer!"

The Freester Heimatstube with wood carvings and fishing carpets bears witness to the Freester's close ties to the traditional. A model of a fishing boat is also one of the numerous exhibits in the museum.

Marina Information


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Tobias , Kunzerbunt
Schöne Yachthafen mit tollem Badestrand in der Nähe und Spielplatz. Supermarkt nicht mehr vorhanden
28.06.2022 21:57

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