
Marina near Bønnerup

Last edited 30.07.2024 at 14:17 by NV Charts Team


56° 32’ 5.3” N


10° 42’ 41.5” E


Busy fishing and pleasure boat harbour - built as an island harbour in the Kattegat - located about 14 nm northwest of Grenaa.

NV Cruising Guide


The fueled harbor can be approached day and night. Because of the shoals "Skaerbaek Hest" in the west and the "Stavenshoved Rev" in the east, however, you have to keep a short nautical mile clear of the coast. The harbour itself is then approached from the north. The entrance is easy to find due to the conspicuous windmills on the harbour piers. In strong onshore winds, low-powered yachts should not enter the harbour, as the occasionally strong ground sea reaches the outer harbour and requires a quick stop in the narrow inner harbour.


Guests berth in the new recreational boat harbor on water depths ranging from 3 m to 1.5 m.


The resort offers quite good supply possibilities. At the harbour itself, apart from the usual sanitary facilities, you will also find fuel (diesel) at the harbour master's office as well as a good repair service at the cutter yard.

NV Land Guide

Here is the typical atmosphere of a fishing port, which brings the night disadvantage that the fishermen provide around the clock for trouble, but the advantage that you can supply yourself here excellent with fresh fish.

Originally, only a narrow dam connected the port with the mainland. Over the years, to the delight of bathers, the area around the causeway and harbour became increasingly silted up, so that today there is a wide strip of land between the village and the harbour, soon to form a peninsula. The flight of sand that supposedly starts in strong winds (parallel to the coast) is said to make staying outside the cabin an unpleasant experience.

Around the village, 500 metres away, are areas of holiday homes. Fjellerup beach, which starts two kilometres west of the harbour, is considered the most beautiful in Djursland - as the peninsula between Randers and Aarhus is known.

Djursland is best known for its manor houses and castles, which are well worth seeing. Two of them, Søstrup and Meilgaard, can be easily reached from Bønnerup. Meilgaard, six kilometres to the southwest, has a good reputation, especially for the flowers in the castle park.

The castle itself, built in 1573, is not open to visitors, except for the inn. Regrettably, it was modernised in the 19th century, losing the architectural style of the early Renaissance.

The barrow at Stenvad (three kilometres south of Mejlgaard Castle) is also called the "50-crown barrow" because it once adorned the 50-crown note. Antiquity is also encountered at Tustrup, three kilometres south of the long beach at Fjellerup and nine kilometres west of Bønnerup, where burial chambers resemble a miniature version of Britain's "Stonehenge".

Søstrup, ten kilometres southeast of Bønnerup, is now a hotel run by nuns of the Cistercian Order, with various holiday apartments, a beautiful castle park and a restaurant. The castle was built between 1599 and 1606. It may be entered on request as well as the park.

To "Djurs-Sommerland" an amusement park with water, Tarzan and Cowboyland - you have to go from Tustrup another six kilometers south. Seen from Bønnerup, the amusement park lies twelve kilometres to the southwest.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m


Phone +45 2329 0760
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Website https://boennerup-lbh.dk














Public Transport




Holger, Mia
Die 6 Windräder sind sehr nahe am Hafen. Dementsprechend sehr hohe Laufgeräusche. Hafeninfrastruktur ok.
16.06.2024 21:56
Werner, SY Kajsa HR 352
Guter Schutz bei allen Windrichtungen. Duschen und WC weit entfernt. WC bei den Duschen allgemein zugänglich. Für den Waschraum werden 5 Kronen Eintritt erhoben. Duschen kostet extra. Toller Fischladen. Schiffsausrüster nicht vorhanden.
13.08.2023 14:24
Torsten, de Glorie
Der Weg zu den Duschen führt mitten durch eine neu gebaute SIedlung, die den Hafen einrahmt. Supermarkt in ca. 600 m. Entfernung. Insgesamt kein schlechter Ort, aber das Ambiente ist eher mittelmäßig.
21.10.2021 16:31

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