
Marina near Birkemose

Last edited 13.08.2024 at 07:00 by NV Charts Team


54° 34’ 48.8” N


11° 55’ 18.2” E


Modern, well-developed marina on the outskirts of Gedser, about a 3/4sm north of the ferry port.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is via the Guldborgsund or from the south via the Gedser fairway (Rødsand Rende). Coming from the south, turn west in front of the ferry harbor into the buoyed but unlit fairway, past "Kroghage Pynt". A spotlight is required at night. The minimum depth is 4.5m. In strong winds, strong current must be expected here.

Beware should also be taken of the heavy ferry traffic, which has absolute right of way when turning in front of the "Rødsande Rende", as well as during entry and exit.


Guest berths at about 2.5m water depth.

The fishing harbor east of the ferry docks may be approached by yachts only in an emergency or if the marina can not be approached for weather reasons (water depth 4m).


Besides the good services offered by the marina (in the high season) you can find other supplies in Gedser.

Ferry to Rostock.

NV Land Guide

Boring, uninteresting, dreary: that's how Gedser is seen by many a sports skipper. The ferry town is certainly not particularly exciting, but you can get a few beautiful sides from him.

There is, for example, the hike to the lighthouse, which is located about four kilometers southeast of Gedser on the headland Gedser Odde. From the 26 meter high tower, one can look over with very good view even to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and overlook the large port area. When the tower showed the way for the first time in 1802, a coal fire was still burning in a closed iron lantern. It was not until 1834 that the fire was fitted with a reflector, and it was subsequently topped up several times. The lighthouse, which has been automated since 1967, is open to visitors from April to October from 10 a.m. to one hour before sunset.

Going along the small road from the lighthouse to the cliff, you reach the southernmost point of Denmark. The stony beach at the foot of the cliff is a popular spot for amber seekers (see also Rødby).

On the beautiful hiking route to the lighthouse and cliff, you pass the "Drejergården"'. In the "Trædjeri" halfway between the village and the lighthouse, the wood turner craft is still practiced in an old farm. The operators of the workshop try, in addition to the traditional work, to combine the old-established craft with modern design.

The woodwork can be seen every day in the workshop. Handicrafts can also be seen at Amtsvejen 79 in Gedser. Ceramic products are the focus of this small exhibition.

The church of Gedser should be seen from the outside and inside already because of its no-frills architecture. In a secret location, a stone is missing from the masonry of the church, which was built in 1915. The reason: an old legend tells that on the day a church is completed in Gedser, a flood washes away the whole town. As long as one stone is missing, the builders said to themselves, the church is not finished.

Today, ferries from Rostock enter the port of the town, which still consisted of only a few houses and farms in the early 1800s. But with the construction of the railroad line and the establishment of a steamship connection to Germany in 1886, Gedser grew considerably. The railroad ferry, which entered service in 1903, provided a further boost. Originally, Gedesby, which is located about five kilometers further north, was the starting point for ship connections to Warnemünde and Rostock for centuries. On old maps, the harbor entrance of Gedesby is not marked in the west, but on the east side. The ships entered through a narrow channel into a huge noor, which reached the eastern side of Gedesby. Gedesby was thus the only land connection to the north of the island of Falster.

The large expanse of water was diked in the course of the centuries piece by piece, until the inland lake finally disappeared completely. If you leaf back even further in the island's history book, southern Falster consisted of three islands: Langø, Bøtø and Bøtøfang. King Christian II recruited Dutchmen around 1520 for the first containments. At first they succeeded in enclosing the water in the mentioned noor, but the Baltic Sea did not comply so quickly. It took centuries until the landowners and farmers succeeded in gaining ground by building dikes and canals. The great storm surge of 1872 also undid much.

Today, the small village of Gedesby with its idyllic church, village pond, thatched half-timbered houses and old mill is worth a visit. From the marina, the distance is only about three kilometers. On the way there, you pass a large first-generation wind generator on the west coast. The decommissioned "monster" is, as it were, a monument to this form of energy generation, which is now widespread in Denmark.

Whoever has moored with his yacht in the fishing port sits at the source when buying fresh fish and smoked fish. Directly at the marina one can supply oneself to the main season in a grocery store with the most necessary things. In addition, here you have the opportunity to jump into the "floods" of a fun pool, which belongs to the "Holiday Park Gedser"

Marina Information


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Public Transport



Rainer Knoob, Hirilonde
Leider ist der Leuchtturm privat und kann nicht besichtigt werden. Die Wanderung zum südlichstem Punkt Dänemarks lohnt aber dennoch! Toller Blick und schönes Baden.
13.08.2024 07:00
Alexander Tiedt, Captn Ahab 2
Netter Hafen mit nettem Personal. Im Hafen gibt es eine Pizzaria, gute Sanitäranlagen, einen großen und guten Kinderspielplatz, Grillmöglichkeiten. Der Kaufmann im Ort ist fußläufig, besser ist es aber mit dem Fahrrad.
24.07.2022 22:22
Honsa Ehmke, RumSeglerZschornegosda
Toller Hafen mit gutem Schutz bei Süd bis Ost. Am 13.03. ist hier aber noch Winterschlaf.
13.03.2022 17:49
Torsten, de Glorie
Hübscher Yachthafen, bei starken westlichen Winden kann Einfahrt und können die Pfahlboxen problematisch werden. Das Spaßbad und er Ferienpark sind offenbar insolvent. Der Ort selbst hat den Charme vergangener Größe und Bedeutung.
29.07.2021 16:31
Raoul Velten, Mootje
Ruhiger Hafen am Rand von Gedser...die Anfahrt von Westen her von den beiden Windparks ist spektakulär.
15.07.2021 16:36
Marco, Moby Dick
Toller Hafen Kinderfreundlich mit Spielplatz für die Kids . Nette Hafenmeisterin
29.06.2021 10:48
HAPPI, Haparanda
19.06.2021 21:06

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