Nykøbing Nordhavn

Marina near Nykøbing Falster

Last edited 10.08.2024 at 19:15 by NV Charts Team


54° 46’ 20.5” N


11° 51’ 47.9” E


Larger commercial town on the eastern shore of Guldborg Sound with good moorings for recreational boating.

NV Cruising Guide


As the fairway of the Guldborgsund is unfired, the north harbor can only be approached during the day, directly from the buoyed fairway.

Attention: transverse to the entrance at times hard setting current, in strong winds up to 4 kn.

If the approach to the port from the south, one must pass the Kong Frederik IX bascule bridge (passage height geschl. 4m). Longer waiting times are to be expected. A display on the bridge indicates the next opening.

During the season, the bridge is opened from 7:00 - 19:00 (1.4.- 30.9.) and 7:00 - 20:00 (1.6. - 31.8.) on demand (VHF channel 16/ 12). Out of season, the bridge will be open from sunrise to sunset.


Guests will find enough space at the yacht jetties in the north harbor on 2 - 2.3m water depth. Large yachts are moored by arrangement with the harbormaster at the quay in the north harbor on 6m water depth.

The small boat harbor north of the harbor basin is mostly occupied by local boats and is very narrow.

The large quay along Guldborg Sound is closed to pleasure craft. North and south of the bascule bridge are private jetties occupied by local boats and unsuitable for guest berths due to shallow depth.


In this city steeped in history, one finds good supply possibilities. In addition to extensive shipyard and repair service also a customs office, a bunker station should be in the small port Slotsbryggen.

NV Land Guide

Nykøbing on Falster is the largest town on the island with about 20,000 inhabitants. It grew up around a castle built at the end of the 12th century to protect against the Wends. In 1253, the town and castle were burned down by the Lübeckers, rebuilt soon after, only to be set on fire again in 1287 by the pirate Marsk Stig. Rebuilt a third time and transformed into a castle over the years, the fortress was a place of important political decisions. In 1365 the peace between Waldemar Atterdag and the Hanseatic League was concluded here, and in 1507 the Nykøbing recess, a settlement between King Hans and the Hanseatic towns, was negotiated at the castle.

Probably the greatest festival Nykøbing has seen was the marriage of King Christian V to Charlotte Amalie of Hesse-Kassel in 1667. The marriage caused many Germans to settle here. The last regent of the city was the royal widow Charlotte Amalie, who died in 1714.

Around 1770, the castle was demolished after large parts of Nyköbing had already been destroyed during the Swedish Wars. Thus, the city today does not have much in common with the medieval city. Nyköbing is more of a modern shopping town; old buildings are rare. Among the few surviving houses is a half-timbered building from 1588 at Langegade 18 and the Rittmeisterhof at the corner of Frisegade/St. Kirkestræde from 1620. The most famous building in town is the Tsar's House, built around 1700 and named after a visit by Peter the Great in 1716. Today, Færgestræde houses the Museum of Falster. The cultural-historical and archaeological collections deal with the history of the island from ancient times to the present day. A parlor consisting of wood paneling has been reconstructed in the museum. This parlor with the name "Horrebystuen," is one of the last parlors of its kind on Falster.

The medicinal herb garden in the courtyard of the monastery church in Klosterstraße is of great interest to many visitors to the city. Here grow around the small statue of Francis of Assisi no less than 300 different medicinal plants. It is best to pick up the information booklet with the descriptions and effects of the herbs at the tourist office and take the time to get to the bottom of the complicated-sounding Latin names on site. For example, the name "Archangelica officinalis" will only mean something to the connoisseur. Translated, the plant is simply called angelica. It was used against the plague until 1918 and 1919 and is still in use in Denmark as a household remedy against influenza. Its vitamin-rich stems, which can be bought in some places in candied form, can also be used to make schnapps. Behind the term "Tussilago farfara" hides the coltsfoot and with "Pimpinella anisum" is meant anise.

The most amazing effects are still attributed to the diverse herbs: they cure lung diseases, eliminate headaches, help against stomach ailments ...

The miraculous things that were attributed to some plants in the Middle Ages, when the sick person took the herb at full moon under all kinds of mysterious accompanying circumstances, hardly anyone expects in our days, however, from the medicinal plants. The scholars of yesteryear were not entirely innocent of all the hocus-pocus. Thus Henrik Harpensteng wrote in the first Danish remedies book that the master root helps the cold, dead man again in the saddle.

Often it was the monks who knew about the remedies and skillfully used their knowledge to win new coreligionists. In contrast, women who knew about plant healing put themselves in danger of being made out to be witches. Many plant remedies are still used today or are being used again in medicine, for example the vasodilator foxglove in heart medicine. Who wants to try now the calming or energizing effect of the herbs at itself, needs only into the health food store opposite the church to go, where one is adjusted to the nature-conscious herb customer.

Also the 1482 built monastery church is absolutely worth seeing. Its showpiece is a 33-square-meter ancestral tablet. It shows the ancestors of the royal dowager Sophie from Mecklenburg in five generations. 63 persons are represented as breast pictures with coat of arms signs.

The 43 meter high water tower, 1908 built, ranks among the first large reinforced concrete constructions of Denmark. From an observation deck 33 meters high, you can overlook all of Nykøbing and the surrounding area.

An exhibition about the city can be seen on the ground floor of the tower in Hollandsgård.

On the eastern outskirts of the city is the five-hectare zoo "Folkeparken". The entrance to the park with nearly 2000 animals is free. The operators claim that they give the approximately 100 animal species on the large site more freedom of movement than conventional zoological facilities.

The mill in the village of Stouby, located about five kilometers south of Nykøbing, is Denmark's only trestle mill of its kind. The special feature of the windmill resting on a trestle is that it is rotatable throughout. Restored from the ground up, it was reopened in the summer of 1987. The visit is free of charge. However one should inquire before in the tourist office of Nykøbing about the opening times.

On half a distance between Nykøbing and Nystedt lies the manor Fuglsang (see also Nystedt). The English-style garden with a tea pavilion worth seeing is worth a visit. Also recommended is a visit to the park at Corselitze Castle, twelve kilometers west of the city. Together with the main wing of the noble seat, the seven-hectare castle garden was laid out in 1777.

The beautiful bog area "Borremose" is located about nine kilometers northeast of the city near Tingstedt. A bicycle tour to this bog, which is crisscrossed by bicycle paths and hiking trails, is a special nature experience. Bicycles are rented out at the train station in Nykøbing.

The new small sports boat harbor "Slotsbryggen" is located in the middle of a new residential complex in striking modern architecture. There you lie alongside beautiful wooden jetties with electricity and water. In this new complex is also an attractive bistro restaurant where you can eat very well, also with very good wine list.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.3 m


Phone +45 54 82 05 64
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Website https://www.guldborgsundhavne.dk













Public Transport




Hermann, buten
z.T. sehr laute Musik vom Vinotek-Dampfer - wohl vor allem am Wochenende. Werktags auch laute Arbeitsgeräusche vom Handelshafen.
10.08.2024 19:15
Hermann, buten
Die Anleger gehören zu drei verschiedenen Betreibern. Die blau gekennzeichneten gehören zu Viking, die gelben zum Bootsklub Guldborgsund, die östlichen Stege im Fischereihafen zur Fiskeriforeningen. Die Schlossbrückenstege sind z.T. recht ungepflegt.
09.08.2024 12:19

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