
Marina near Klintholm Havn

Last edited 31.08.2024 at 18:02 by NV Charts Team


54° 57’ 7.2” N


12° 27’ 52.7” E


Municipal marina and small, cozy fishing port on the southern shore of Møn. A popular stopover for the so-called Bornholm sailors.

There is a beautiful bathing beach on both sides of the harbor.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the well-lit harbor is unproblematic day and night. It is approached from the south due to the gillnets. The nets, some of which reach 1.5 nm out to sea, are to be expected throughout Hjelm Bay.

The high chalk cliffs of Møns-Klint serve as landmarks.


Guests will find free places in the marina at a water depth of 2.5 - 3m. The fishing harbor is closed to pleasure craft.


There is a minimarket with a very limited selection. The former marina service no longer exists.  There is an ATM in the central area of the vacation home settlement. You can get fuel in front of the harbour master's office in the marina.

NV Land Guide

This port was already so popular with pleasure craft in earlier years that a signal mast was even erected, which usually indicated that the port was occupied. Even back then, you had to be there in the early afternoon to secure a place. With the construction of vacation apartments directly on the quay and the increase in port fees, the signal mast also disappeared. The once cozy fishing port became a rather sophisticated-looking marina, which no longer had quite the same appeal as the old port. In the meantime, the port had even managed to be run down to such an extent that it was closed for a while. A new start was made in 2012 under the direction of the municipality.

All that is now history: today, Klintholm is once again an ideal starting point for sailing to Bornholm and, of course, shore excursions on the Møn peninsula. The chalk cliffs (see map) are of course an outstanding destination. Høje Møn was formed during the last ice age. There were two large glaciers in the bays of Hjelm and Faxe, which pressed large quantities of chalk up from the ground between them. The chalk had already been deposited 75 million years ago as calcareous mud on the then 200 meter deep sea bed. It took millions of years for the mud to become chalk and, as the earth's crust moved, lay over the marine animals that are now found as fossils. Further movements of the earth's crust lifted the chalk so high that the ice-age glaciers could later reach it. The chalk surfaces can now be seen as elongated hills and valleys in the landscape behind the chalk cliffs, and the folded chalk layers are very clearly visible in the rock profile itself. Høje Møn is 128 meters high at its highest point. The natural experience is particularly impressive when the bright sun makes the cliffs appear white at their edge (don't forget your binoculars!). Geological and archaeological finds from the area are exhibited at Store Klint (Big Rock). These are mainly fossilized shells and skeletal fragments of organisms from the primeval seas, such as squid, sea urchins and mussels.

The seven kilometers to this spot on the chalk cliffs can be covered by bus from the harbour. With a hotel, restaurant, kiosk and large parking lot, Store Klint is a popular spot for tourists from all over Europe. In the high season, the hustle and bustle can therefore spoil the nature experience somewhat. But the area is large enough to avoid the crowds (see map). There are a number of paths that lead away from this meeting point to the foot of the chalk cliffs. However, you should have had a good breakfast before setting off on the descent and ascent, as the steep paths are exhausting. It is advisable to plan a whole day for the excursion to the chalk cliffs and to pack provisions. The forest on the hill is also worth a visit. Several burial mounds here are reminiscent of prehistoric times, and there are traces of a Viking castle on the top of Timmesø Hill.

You should also take time to visit Liselund, nine kilometers northeast of Klintholm harbour. The romantic Bosc de la Calmette, a chamberlain from the Netherlands, acquired this stretch of land from the Danish crown around 1800 in order to realize his dream of a natural idyll.

With its ravines and wooded hills, the place on the rocky coast overlooking the sea met all the requirements for such an idyll in the 1800s. The chamberlain was inspired by Marie Antoinette's peasant idyll near Versailles and English gardens. A thatched miniature castle, a Norwegian hut, the "Swiss House" and a Chinese garden pavilion were built in the park. This romantic world attracted many artists. Hans Christian Andersen, for example, wrote his fairy tale "The Lighter" here. However, the park with its houses is one of the most impressive sights on the island of Møn. It is also a unique example of architecture and garden design from around 1800.

On the way from the port to Liselund, you will pass through the village of Sømarke after around seven kilometers. A small and a large megalithic tomb stand side by side on the outskirts of the village. You can see almost 200 bowl-shaped indentations on the top of the large capstone. The carving of these small bowls into the stone was probably part of a fertility cult ceremony.

Only two kilometers away is the wetland of "Busemarke", which extends to the west and north of the harbour. Here you can watch the birds from a high perch.

The Klintholm estate is about four kilometers from the harbour to the northeast. It was built around 1830 and later restored in the Dutch style.

Food and drink are available around Klintholm harbor. Several restaurants and snack bars line the only street in the old district. There is also a disco, a mini-golf course and a bank. The "Aalekroen" restaurant, which is popular with yachtsmen, is located directly on the harbor. The cafeteria and the "Hy Hefadet" restaurant are just a few steps away. A smokehouse northeast of the harbor advertises "Delikate røgerivarer og fiskeforretning".

Marina Information


Phone +45 24422182
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Website http://vordingborg.dk/klintholm-havn/













Public Transport




Jörg, Jomanca
Idyllischer Hafen, neuer Schwimmsteg ist fertiggestellt. Wirkt viel sauberer als in den Vorjahren Fahrradverleih am Kiosk. Besuch der Kreidefelsen sehr zu empfehlen. Gute Auswahl an Restaurants, auch eine Bar mit Møn Gin
31.08.2024 18:02
Angela, Viva la vita
Schöner Hafen, direkt neben dem Strand. Mit dem kostenpflichtigen Leihfahrrad kommt man in 45 Minuten ( 7km) zu den Kreidefelsen von Møn, die man Tags danach oder davor vom Wasser aus bestaunen kann.
09.08.2024 14:14
Martina / Martin Teterra, CONZISKA
Alles was man braucht vorhanden.
12.06.2022 12:38
Paul, Alk
01.05.2022 16:20
Honsa Ehmke, RumSeglerZschornegosda
Super Hafen, schön angelegt und sauber.
21.04.2022 09:25
Bernhard Ackermann, Tempus fugit
Toller Hafen. Gute, saubere Sanitäranlagen. Pier to Heaven ein einzigartiger Ort. Mons Klint und das Geocenter sind sehenswerte Ausflugsziele.
28.06.2020 18:11

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