
Marina near Kalvehave

Last edited 08.09.2024 at 19:05 by NV Charts Team


54° 59’ 36.7” N


12° 10’ 2.4” E


Fishing and pleasure boat harbour east of the Ulvsund Bridge, which connects Zealand and Møn.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the lighted harbour is possible at night, but it is recommended not to enter the unlighted Ulvsund at night. Watch out for the unlit red buoy directly in the harbour entrance. The approach during the day is unproblematic and takes place directly via Ulvsund. Clearance height of the bridge is 25,6m. When entering the harbour, a strong cross current must be expected, but this decreases at the pier heads.


In the yacht or fishing harbour you can moor in 1.8 - 2.5m water depth by arrangement with the harbour master. Larger yachts can moor at the head of the ferry pier (about 3.5m water depth), but hard-setting current at times.

The ferry pier is closed.

Anchorage: Behind the Viemose forest, about 2sm north of the harbour. Here you lie close under land at about 5m water depth.


At the port there are good supply, fuel and repair services.

NV Land Guide

Today hardly anyone will know how the name of the place was pronounced in 1304. In any case, it was written as follows: Kaluaehaghae. Named in King Waldemar's Earth Book in 1231, the area was called Schanygnhafn, meaning Skåne Harbour, indicating that the fishermen of Kalvehave took their herrings to Skåne (now Sweden) for sale.

Before the 26-metre-high Drolling Alexandrines Bridge was built from Kalvehave to Møn in 1943, the place was a ferry point. Today the small ferry that used to run between Koster on Møn and Kalvehave is used by the experimental station on the island of Lindholm in Stege Bay.

More cosy than Kalvehave is Gammel Kalvehave (Old Kalvehafen) to the west of the harbour.

Multiple half-timbered houses and a late Romanesque church dating from 1225 add to the charm of the old village. North of Kalvehave begins Viemose Skov, a forest that holds 32 Bronze Age burial mounds. Some of them are up to five metres high. An avenue has been created along the forest, where the railway still ran from Vordingborg to Kalvehave until 1959.

A merchant, a ship chandler and a snack stand are located at the harbour. The colonial-style hotel "Færgegården" at the harbour houses a restaurant and a pub. The proximity of the Ulvsund Bridge to the harbour means that there is little noise pollution. There are shopping possibilities in a supermarket. The beautiful view of Ulvsund and the island of Møn is worth mentioning. There is a ferry connection between Kalvehave and Møn.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.2 m


Phone +45 2029 84 60
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website https://vordingborg.dk/kalvehave-havn












Public Transport





Christian, Pogolo
Sehr netter, kleiner Hafen, herrlich entschleunigt und mit tollem Blick auf die Brücke. Der Hafen gehört zu einem kleinen Verbund von Häfen und es gilt die Devise, zahle 2 und erhalte 3 Übernachtungen. Noch dazu sind Waschmaschine und Trockner kostenlos inklusive! Es gibt direkt am Hafen 2 Kaffeebuden, wo es auch leckeren Kuchen gibt. Mo und Di allerdings geschlossen und Dänemark typisch sehr teuer Der gut sortierte Supermarkt ist direkt am Hafen, da gibt es auch Brötchen In der gesamten Region und insbesondere im Hafen gibt es extrem viel Seegras, das irritiert den Tiefenmesser. Die Liegeplätze im östlichen Hafenbecken sind offenbar etwas tiefer, wir hatten dort mit 1,75 m Tiefgang keine Probleme. Im Bereich der Tankstelle, können auch größere Yachten längsseits am Kai festmachen. Bei starkem SW Wind kann der Wasserspiegel auch mal um 20 cm fallen, wir hatten dann aber immer noch Wasser unter dem Kiel.
08.09.2024 19:05
Julian, Sealady
Für die Durchfahrt ok. Nichts super schönes, dafür sind Waschmaschinen, Duschen und Strom inkl. Der Strand ist klein und gemütlich.
28.07.2024 19:43
Ankewerder, Bussin
Einen Kaufmann gibt es direkt am Hafen. Weiterhin eine Imbissbude. Die Sanitäreinrichtungen sind gut. Stand 31.07.2023
22.07.2023 18:51
Peter Slezak, Fedora
In Kalvehave gibt es keinen Kaufmann mehr. Keine Möglichkeit der Versorgung. Stand 1.6.2023
01.06.2023 18:54

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