
Marina near Kirkehavn

Last edited 27.06.2024 at 21:53 by NV Charts Team


55° 10’ 17.2” N


11° 9’ 37.4” E


Small fishing harbour and new marina on the north coast of the scenic island of Omø.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the harbour is unproblematic day and night. It is approached from the north at 146° - 180° (white sector at night) from the fairway of Omø Sound. Especially north of the outer pier the entrance tends to silt up. From time to time there are nets, mainly to the west of the harbour.


In the marina guests will find enough places on 2 - 2,5 m water depth.
ATTENTION: The bow thruster of the ferry can create strong cross currents at times.

The old harbour is quite narrow, but offers some moorings for pleasure boats in the eastern part. The western part is reserved for fishermen.

A good anchorage in westerly winds can be found on the eastern shore of Omø off the cliff of Skovklint. If you keep the southern edge of the cliff and the church of Omø in line when approaching, you will stay clear of the unmarked 1.5m spot. Anchoring is then done around 100m off the cliff at 2 - 2.5m water depth.


On the nice little island there are some supply possibilities, partly however in the approx. 1.5 km distant place Omø By.

You can get fuel at the fishing pier and new sanitary facilities and a playground have been built.

There is a ferry connection to Stigsnæs on Agersø / Sjælland.

NV Land Guide

Omø has long since ceased to be an insider tip - unfortunately. Since the beauty of the idyllic island has made the rounds, it often gets crowded in the harbour during the high season. But if that doesn't frighten you, you're visiting an island full of contrasts, with flat foothills on the south side and green hills over 20 metres high on the north side. The island has just under 200 inhabitants. The harbour-side settlement of Kirkehavn is nowhere near as attractive as the island village of Omø By, about a kilometre from the harbour. The tranquil village is notable for its old, well-kept houses and cosy atmosphere.

If you have the time, you should walk further and visit the 32-metre-high lighthouse at the western tip of Omø (Omø Fyr) (three kilometres). If the lighthouse keeper is available, you can also climb the beacon and enjoy the view as far as Langeland, Zealand and Agersø. Omø Church, about two kilometres from the harbour, is also worth a visit.

For centuries, the islanders had to make do without a church. Instead, they had a chapel reserved for them in the church of Skælskør. Because the church boat sailed from the harbour to Skælskør, the village that developed at the harbour was called Kirkehavn.

If you leaf through the island's history book back to prehistoric times, you will find that Omø once consisted of two islands separated by a sound. All that remains of this today is Omø Sø. During the Middle Ages, the royal family went hunting in the forests of Omø. The island, which is four kilometres long and two kilometres wide, has since become unwooded. From Omø By, a dead-straight road leads to the holiday home settlements in the south of the islet.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.5 m


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Public Transport





Björn Willnat, Wilde Hilde
Ein fantastischer, kleiner Hafen zum Ausspannen. Könnte in der Saison recht voll werden. Ausserhalb der Saison ein Muss, dort Halt zu machen.
27.06.2024 21:53
Patrick , Møpsen
Toller Hafen und sehr schöne Umgebung. Super Sanitäreinrichtungen, Außenküchen und Grillplätze, Badesteg, Spielplätze. Als negativ haben wir empfunden: sehr enges Liegen mit den Bootsbachbarn und sehr sehr starker Andrang (ab 12 Uhr voll), sehr laut bis 23 tlw 24 Uhr. Für Leute, die viel Ruhe suchen, nur in Nebensaison geeignet -Ansonsten einfach wandern auf der Insel.
23.08.2022 18:54
Alexander Tiedt, Captn Ahab 2
Omø ist auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert. Schöne Insel, gut mit dem Fahrrad zu erkunden. Der Hafen wurde modernisiert. Schöne neue Sanitäranlagen. Kaufmann im Ort. Imbiss am Hafen. Ein Hafentag lohnt sich.
02.08.2022 21:09

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