
Marina near Lohals

Last edited 20.03.2023 at 14:30 by NV Charts Team


55° 8’ 3.8” N


10° 54’ 2.7” E


Small resort with a fishing harbour and a marina on the northwest side of Langeland.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the fired harbour is unproblematic day and night. It is approached from the north from the Great Belt or from the west via the buoyed "Smørstakke Løb" (at night: white sector from Lohals Fire).


Guest moorers will find a limited number of berths in the fishing harbour at the inner edge of the breakwater and the south side of the basin at 2 - 3.5m water depth. More space is offered by the modern marina at 1.5 - 2m water depth; here the stern piles are very close together, with a few exceptions (2nd jetty coming in).


Limited utilities in the small town.

NV Land Guide

Although Lohals on the northwest coast of Langeland has developed into a tourist resort, it still exudes cosiness.

For many centuries the place was in unequal competition with towns like Rudkøbing on Langeland. Forced to become a pirate port, the town was not granted the right to trade. Despite the reprisals against the unlawful harbour settlement - again and again the merchants were ordered to do their trade in privileged Rudkøbing - the place developed steadily. Because of its exposed position at the northern tip of the island, it was only a matter of time before a "proper" harbour was built. In the middle of the 19th century the time had come. The ferry connection to Lundeborg on Fyn that resulted from the harbour construction became another economic cornerstone in the development of the village. Today there is a ferry line to Korsør on Zealand.

Lohals is not "richly blessed" with sights, but near the school in Hov at Hovvej 49 is the Tom Knudsen Game Museum, with a large collection of big game trophies from Africa, the USA, Canada and India. An ethnographic collection is also on display. Tom Knudsen bequeathed the exhibits to his birthplace, Lohals. Starting from the fishing harbour, you come across Hovvej and the aforementioned safari museum at the end of Østergade.

Large wooded areas around Lohals invite you to go hiking. The route to the northern tip of the island is also recommended, from where the Great Belt can be overlooked (see map).

Other than that, Lohals offers shopping facilities for holidaymakers. A good bathing beach can be found just north of the harbour. By the way, the ducks in the harbour are under the personal protection of the harbour master, so also the duck houses floating on pontoons. It is said that once a fishing boat was not allowed to leave because a mother duck was hatching her chicks on deck.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3.5 m


Phone +45 20497813
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website https://www.lohalshavn.dk














Public Transport



Alexander Tiedt, Captn Ahab 2
Hübscher kleiner Hafen. Sanitäranlagen sind OK. Mehrere Restaurants am Hafen oder in der Nähe. Bäcker und Kaufmann fußläufig. Kostenlose Fahrräder. Am Wochenende Live Musik, Dienstags Flohmarkt.
02.08.2022 21:14

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