Brusje - Hvar

Sightseeing near Brusje

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 01:00 by NV Charts Team


43° 11’ 30.2” N


16° 29’ 17.9” E


A village with old stone houses standing close together and roofs covered with tiles, as in Roman times. A village that has preserved its traditional Mediterranean flair - residential and farm houses with gardens surrounded by dry stone walls, one-story outbuildings and traditional stone water wells.
You can visit the historical sights, the retreat house Macirovo, the cooperative building, the parish church of St. George, the local general store and the fish market. Brusje is one of the eco-ethno villages on the island of Hvar. Its rural environment is a cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia.
The area of Brusje has been settled since the middle of the 15th century, since the 18th century farmers lived here, they grew vines and olives, as well as rosemary for essential oil - the famous "Quintessenza".
After World War 1, the vine disease "Peronospora" destroyed the vineyards and the population migrated, many to California and Germany. Today one grows again more and more lavender and of course one has also incomes by the tourism.


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