Milna - Hvar

Marina near Malo Grablje

Last edited 05.09.2022 at 21:34 by NV Charts Team


43° 9’ 40” N


16° 28’ 58.3” E


Milna, a resort on the southwest side of Hvar with Uvala Mala - the western bathing bay and the harbour bay - Vela Milna. In Mala Milna there are several mooring buoys in front of the beach at 3-5m water depth and also in the small western inlet -Polkonji Dol. In the harbour bay, there are no bathing zones in the two small inlets and anchoring is forbidden in the western one. It is possible to anchor in 5-7 m of water in the eastern part in front of the restaurant or to take one of the moorings. There is no mini market in the small resort, but there is another restaurant in the village behind the church.

Marina Information

Max Depth 6 m





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