Alte Straße Hvar

Sightseeing near Velo Grablje

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 01:00 by NV Charts Team


43° 10’ 33.1” N


16° 31’ 34.6” E


From Stari Grad the "Old Road" leads along the villages of Selca and Velo Grablje to Brusje - along the ridge. The road is surrounded by lavender fields, carefully tended and enclosed with dry stone walls (the "Gomile" or "Gromače"). No mortar is needed for the dry stone walls, they are simply well stacked and fit together like a puzzle. In the past, the landscape was a sea of purple colors in June /July to August, providing 10% of the world's harvest. Today, unfortunately, lavender cultivation has greatly diminished, but there are some small farms that are starting again, such as in the village of "Velo Grablje". It is best to rent a bike, so you can really enjoy the way - both with the views of the islands of Brac and Vis in the distance, and with the lavender scent of the countryside.

The road also leads to the ancient "Pinus dalmatica", a type of pine that can still be seen only on the higher mountains of Hvar, Brač and Korčula. Forest fires and clearings have displaced the species to the higher altitudes.


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