Slano - Luka Slano

Sightseeing near Slano

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 06:50 by NV Charts Team


42° 47’ 3.6” N


17° 53’ 8.1” E


Slano  is a port town in the north of the large bay Luka Slano. Slano was and is now again a popular summer resort, but was badly damaged in the war of 1991-92.
The area of Slano was inhabited already in prehistoric times (ruins of a castle and burial mounds) and in antiquity (a Roman fort on the hill Gradina and ancient Christian sarcophagi, which can be seen today in front of the Franciscan church.
Slano was from 1399 part of the Republic of Ragusa (Republic of Dubrovnik ) and seat of the governor of the Republic. Its residence was restored in the 19th century and the worth seeing villas of the Bosnian noble family Ohmučevića are nearby. They built several churches for Slano. The present Franciscan church was built in the 16th century. Church was built in the 16th century and the parish church of St. Blaise (1407) was reconstructed in the Baroque period.
The fertile plains in front of the mountain range Popovo Polje ensures the income of the population with the cultivation of fruit, wine, olives, tobacco and fishing also the collection of medicinal plants, such as laurel, sage was a good source of income.


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