Sudurad - Sipan

Marina near Suđurađ

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 00:09 by NV Charts Team


42° 42’ 38.8” N


17° 54’ 46.7” E


Sudurad in the southeast of the island Sipan, a small old place and today many holiday guests. The car ferry docks on the outside of the fired pier with 4m water depth. On the inside is 3m water depth here yachts can also find a place. The inner quay is mostly occupied on the inside by local boats, but at the head you can moor with about 2m water depth. The restaurants in the village have moorings. You can anchor well in front of the place on 5m water depth, that is usually the best solution.

In Surudaj lies directly at the port the worth seeing Renaissance castle of the noble family Stjepovic-Skocibuha.  The tower Pakljena (1529) as well as the church  in the place are worth a visit.  

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m





Public Transport



Schön gelegen, kleiner Supermarkt mit dem Nötigsten, gutes Restaurant gleich um die Ecke
12.06.2022 11:46

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