Ražanac - Boat Hbr.

Marina near Ražanac

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 17:30 by NV Charts Team


44° 17’ 9.6” N


15° 20’ 45.1” E


The small boat harbor Ražanac on the Uvala Dragunica, is protected by a large, fired pier. On the outside of the pier is currently moored cruise ships, on the inside  you can moor at 3m water depth. On the outside of the boat pier the water depth is about 1.2m. However, the harbor is not safe in bora and northwesterly winds, which increase in strength due to the high mountains of the Velibitski Channel (jet effect).
The large vacation settlement with all utilities extends along the entire shore area. The old village was founded in 1507 and the fortress was destroyed by the Turks 70 years later. In the harbor area today you can still find parts of the city wall and the old houses.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m








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