Zubovici - Boat Hbr.

Marina near Zubovići

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 17:00 by NV Charts Team


44° 31’ 19.5” N


14° 58’ 43.9” E


Zubovici is located on the northern shore of Pag on the narrow between the Paski Zaljev and the inner bay Uvala Caska. A small resort with a pier between the two bays, here you could lie (1.5m water depth) at the head on the inside. Further inside is a jetty for small boats parallel to shore. In the eastern bay are many small jetties with shallow water depth and the small harbor is also shallow. Anchoring in the bay is the better solution, but the disco music from the party beach in the Uval Zrce unfortunately also arrives here.

Marina Information

Max Depth 1.5 m






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