Tovarnele - Boat Hbr.

Marina near Lun

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 16:40 by NV Charts Team


44° 41’ 33.9” N


14° 44’ 2” E


The port Tovarnele is located on the west side of the 20 km long peninsula Lun, the northern tip of the island of Pag. Here is a small fishing port and a breakwater protects the small basin for local boats. On the outside are 7 places with stern moorings and water/electricity on 4m water depth.

Both restaurants have moorings, the pizzeria on the north shore has a small jetty with 3 places on 1.3m water depth. In front of the fish restaurant on the south shore are guest berths with stern anchor on the quay. Directly at the quay it is shallow, but in front of it there is 4m water depth. If there is no berth, you can anchor in the bay on 4.5m water depth everywhere, but you should pay attention to the bottom, on sea grass the anchor holds worse.
The peninsula Lun is 20km long and just under a kilometer wide, a barren landscape with fig and olive trees and many goats. The cheese from the goat's milk is known throughout Croatia and is one of the main sources of income for the local population.

Marina Information







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