Schleuse Kummersdorf

Navinfo near Storkow (Mark)

Last edited 15.04.2024 at 10:34 by NV Charts Team


52° 16’ 5.7” N


13° 51’ 53.7” E


L 34 m / W 5.3 m / lift 1.2 m
Operating hours 01.01. to 31.03.:
no operation
Operating hours 01.04. to 31.10.:
Mon - Thu from 08.30 - 18.00 h
Fri - Sun 09.30 - 19.00 h
Operating hours 01.11. to 31.12.:
no operation.

Tel. 033678-43 362
In case of water shortage only collective sluices.
OP Kummersdorf, MW = 259 cm
UP Kummersdorf: MW = 154 cm, Tel. 033678-404 913
Sports boat waiting areas are located in the upper water on the north side, in the lower water on the south side.


O, Blue Pearl
Freundliches und hilfsbereites Personal.
25.08.2021 12:05

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