Pašman - Boat Hbr.

Marina near Pašman

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 14:50 by NV Charts Team


43° 57’ 25.2” N


15° 23’ 20.3” E


Pasman, the main town of the island of the same name, is located on a small peninsula, where the Pasmanski Channel is narrowest. Here lies the harbor, protected with a breakwater and landward by a wide concrete pier for excursion boats with 2.3m of water at the head end in the entrance. On the inside of the breakwater, guests can find moorage just entering at 4m and further in at 2m water depth. The jetties in the inner harbor have less than 2m water depth.
The place lies at the foot of the 202m high Veli Morovnjak, here the pine forests and olive trees have disappeared, the terrain runs out flat to the shore and agricultural land determines the picture.
North of this harbor is still a small port for fishermen, whose small local boats are protected by a breakwater. On the Uvala Lucina is the bathing beach and campsite of the village. The place offers all shopping facilities, restaurants, canobas, espresso bar and a bank. The place has been inhabited since the Roman times (2nd century B.C. to 4th century A.D.) and was first documented in 1067 by King Peter Krešimir IV as "Postimana". The church (18.Jhr.) is worth seeing and also the old village center with the stone houses.

Marina Information








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