Ždrelac - Boat Hbr.

Marina near Ždrelac

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 13:40 by NV Charts Team


44° 0’ 44” N


15° 16’ 45.8” E


Zdrelac - Uvala Sveti Luka is the largest village on the island of Pasman and lies with the old part of the village east of the small peninsula. Here in the is the town harbour of Zdrelac, protected by two piers. At the eastern, fired pier you can lie at the head quite well (4m water depth), in case of need also in the pack.

The supermarket with baker is just at the end of the pier, also restaurants are not far and the post office is at the end of the harbour bay. The old town with its narrow streets and stone houses is worth a visit, as is the church from the 18th century.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m








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