
Navinfo near Schnakenbek

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 09:40 by NV Charts Team


53° 22’ 25.9” N


10° 30’ 15.1” E


The WT of the "fairway" is 2.5 m at MW, the fairway depth predictions for route 9 apply. The DH of the Elbe are given in metres at HSW. From Lauenburg downstream of the Elbe a "fairway depth" of 2.0 m is guaranteed even at low water and from Artlenburg (junction to the Elbe side channel) 2.7 m.

WSP Zust. im ges. Abschnitts: WSP Hamburg (WSPK 3 Lauenburg) Tel. 04153-2291


Siegfried Baier , Happiness
02.02.2022 21:08

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