Vela Rava - Boat Hbr.

Marina near Grad Zadar

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 04:40 by NV Charts Team


44° 1’ 26.1” N


15° 3’ 34.6” E


Vela Rava - small port on the larger island. Inside the bay are small piers that provide shelter for local small boats,  on the east outer side of the pier are 2.5m water depth for mooring. The dock for the fast ferry to Zadar must be left free, but you can moor there in 3m water depth. There are also some moorings, some of which belong to one of the two restaurants, and a small store that is only open ztws. A beautiful shore path leads south to Villa Rava, a small restaurant on the shore, which also offers mooring places for its guests.

The old main village of the island of Rava is located further in the mountains of the  98m high island  and is bustling with holidaymakers, you can visit the church and the old school there.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.5 m






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