Naturschutzgebiet Fischteiche

Navinfo near Neustadt-Glewe

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 03:40 by NV Charts Team


53° 26’ 9.7” N


11° 36’ 53.1” E


Fish ponds nature reserve in the Lewitz: These ponds, which were created between 1900 and 1980, cover an area of 870 ha, some of which are periodically used for fishing. They have become an important resting and retreat area for cranes and hundreds of thousands of water birds, which stop here on their migration route in spring and autumn. Numerous native bird species, including ospreys and white-tailed eagles, also live here. This section of the Müritz-Elde waterway, also known here as the Friedrich Franz Canal, cuts through this nature reserve. Even though it is a federal waterway that allows unrestricted shipping traffic, you should keep quiet here and not disturb the animals with noise, especially during the breeding and resting periods.


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