Mindertiefen / Shoaling - Wustrow

Navinfo near Wustrow

Last edited 15.06.2024 at 09:25 by Dieter Krassek, Marotte


54° 19’ 43.2” N


12° 24’ 38.5” E


Valid from 14.06.2024
Valid until 14.06.2027

Minor depths in m (changes highlighted)

  • 1.8 total fairway Tn Wu1 to Tn Wu3
  • 1.7 total fairway Tn Wu3 to Tn Wu5
  • 1.6 green side Tn Wu 3 to Tn Wu 5
  • 1.2 total fairway Tn Wu5 to port


Dieter Krassek, Marotte
27.08.2023 16:19

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