Schlei - Hinweis

Navinfo near Thumby

Last edited 03.08.2023 at 13:33 by NV Charts Team


54° 36’ 27.3” N


9° 53’ 1.1” E


In spring, from about February to the end of May, fishing for herring is carried out in the Schlei using gillnets. The fishing gear, which is marked with red flags, stands with its top lines up to the water surface.
In the summer months, eel traps are laid out in the bays and shallow shore areas, so that there is not everywhere an anchoring possibility. The fish traps are marked with black flags and have a stowage depth of about 0.50m from the bottom.
The reed belt should not be used as a mooring or anchorage, as it has an important ecological function as a nursery area for fish and waterfowl.


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