Navigationshinweise Schlei


Last edited 24.06.2024 at 20:42 by NV Charts Team


54° 40’ 14.1” N


10° 2’ 14.2” E


Max. speed:
Schleimünde to Kappeln 10 km/h (5,4 kn)
Kappeln to Schleswig 15 km/h (8,1 kn)
Missunder Enge 10 km/h (5,4 kn)
Fairway depth:
Schleimünde to Kappeln 4,5m
Kappeln to Arnis 3,5 m (Shoaling often to 3 m )
Arnis to Schleswig 3,0 m (Shoaling often to 3 m )

In strong easterly winds, strong swell must be expected in the "Schleimünder Seegatt", especially when the current is running out (wind against current), which may prevent you from leaving or entering.


Moritz, Razupaltuff
30.05.2020 20:58

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