Kolding Lystbådehavn Süd

Marina near Kolding (Søndervang)

Last edited 24.07.2024 at 10:24 by Birger Scheidt, XO


55° 29’ 21.6” N


9° 30’ 0.6” E


Larger commercial port with two marinas at the end of the fjord of the same name.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is unproblematic day and night. It leads via a 7m deep channel with buoys and lights to the northern marina. A buoyed and lit side channel branches off to the southern harbour at the last pair of buoys.


In the northern marina, guest berths can be found at a water depth of approx. 2 - 4m. The southern marina tends to silt up and is heavily occupied by local yachts, so it can only be recommended to a limited extent for guest berth holders. Both marinas are managed by the same harbour master.


All utilities are available. However, fuel as well as 20t crane are only available at the southern marina; free bike rental is also offered there.

NV Land Guide

The preservation of historical buildings was obviously difficult in the 50s and 60s in Kolding. Among the few sights from earlier times is the royal castle (Koldinghus), which rises in the middle of the city on a 20-meter-high hill. Built in 1248 by King Abel, it remained a popular royal seat for many centuries, but burned down due to the carelessness of Spanish mercenaries. Actually, as the story goes, the Spaniards housed in the castle were just trying to warm up when they built a bonfire in 1808 to make their stay in the cold north a little more comfortable.

Many parts of the castle have since been rebuilt, and some of the restored halls shine in their original glory. They now serve as museum rooms, displaying porcelain, earthenware and ecclesiastical art. There is also a large exhibition on the Schleswig Wars and reunification.

Kolding is now one of Jutland's largest towns, with a population of 55,000. The city on the fjord of the same name has remained an exposed trading centre since Viking times and has also grown into an industrial town with high recreational value, the city fathers advertise. Its role as a border town from 1864 to 1920 contributed to the prosperity of its citizens. Today, the town is still known for its artfully crafted silver jewellery. In the displays of the boutiques you can see that this craft is still cultivated.

A visit to the botanical garden on the southern outskirts of the city is definitely worthwhile. With twelve hectares of parkland, thousands of plant species from all over the world, 600 m² of greenhouse space, a large rose garden and much more, the area on Christian IV. Vej is one of the largest botanical gardens in Northern Europe. It is also home to the largest bamboo grove in Europe. You can get inspiration for your own garden in the Idea Garden, where herbs also grow.

Worth seeing is the house Borchs Gård, built in 1595 as an apothecary. The building in Torvegade has a particularly richly decorated half-timbered gable.

St. Nicolai Church on Nicolaiplads is a Gothic building whose glass mosaics in the choir windows are remarkable.

For fans of jazz music, Kridthuset in Munkegade 10 is recommended. This small, cosy jazz venue is also known as a meeting place for fans of folk and gospel music.

Trapholt, the Museum of Danish Arts and Crafts, has been located in the naturally beautiful Trapholt on the north side of the Koldingfjord since 1988.

Ten kilometres southeast of the city lies Skamlingsbanken, an old national gathering place for the Danes, 113 metres above sea level and thus also a beautiful vantage point.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.5 m


Phone +45 7553 2722
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website http://www.koldinglystbaadehavn.dk













Public Transport





Marth-Finn Mischke, Topas
Dreckiges Braunes Wasser im Hafenbecken, Geruch und Lärm von der gegenüberliegenden Industrie. Wenig Leben im Hafen. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten weitläufig. Viele Schiffe wirken verlassen.
24.07.2024 10:24
Marth-Finn Mischke, Topas
Dreckiges Braunes Wasser im Hafenbecken, Geruch und Lärm von der gegenüberliegenden Industrie. Wenig Leben im Hafen. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten weitläufig. Viele Schiffe wirken verlassen.
24.07.2024 10:24
Selbstbedienungs-Tankstelle mit Diesel und Benzin, aber man muss vor dem Tanken entscheiden, wie viel man tanken will und kann.
06.11.2020 20:55
Christoph Theilen , Op Jöck
Waschräume könnten mal modernisiert werden, aber sonst ein schöner Hafen
03.08.2020 18:13

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