Oberflächenströmung im Kleinen Belt


Last edited 02.06.2024 at 05:37 by Joachim Dannenberg , Crail


55° 4’ 19.6” N


9° 37’ 40.3” E


In spring, the current sets predominantly to the north, while in autumn it sets predominantly to the south. In summer, it depends on the weather conditions over the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, as well as on the tides, which are about 0.2m in the Little Belt.

Tip: In the nv charts app real-time current data can be displayed.

Southern current
Winds from SW over west and north to NNO normally cause a southerly current, which often exceeds 1 kn in the fairway of Snævringen. In places, fresh currents of considerable strength occur.

Northern current
Winds from ONO over east and south to SW normally cause northward setting currents that not infrequently exceed 1 kn in the fairway of Snævringen. In places, northerly currents occur, reaching considerable strength.


Frank, Sea Ya
28.06.2023 23:07
Ylvi, Ylvi
25.06.2023 09:23

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