Kappeln - Anker Yachtzentrum

Marina near Kappeln

Last edited 11.07.2024 at 14:19 by NV Charts Team


54° 39’ 55.5” N


9° 56’ 17.1” E


Small harbour town on the Schlei.

NV Cruising Guide


Since the Schleifahrwasser is lit up as far as Kappeln, the moorings are also to be approached at night. Caution: When approaching the moorings across the fairway, pay attention to the current.

Increased traffic during the bridge opening (15 minutes before the hour, from 5:45 to 21:45).


At the jetty you will find free places for guests  (with green signs)



Yachtyard service with crane (20t), boat accessories, rig service and engine workshop can be found on site. To the supermarket it is a 5 min walk. Further supply possibilities in Kappeln (approx. 500m).

NV Land Guide

Here, pleasure boaters have the right of way over motorists every hour when the bascule bridge built in 2003 is put into operation. The harbour image is also co-determined by old silos and Kappeln's last fish smokehouse. On the three smokehouse chimneys, the letters "A A L"" tell everyone from afar what is smoked here besides sprats, halibut and mackerel.

Right next to the bridge, the town has something unique in Europe: the last herring fence still completely intact. Such fences used to make herring fishing much easier, but icy winters repeatedly destroyed the meshwork and modern fishing methods prevailed over the years. The Kappeln herring fence, which has always been maintained, is said to date back to the 15th century. To the sailors' chagrin, however, these fences not only provided the daily fish on the table, but also caused many a silting up of the Schlei. Despite the declining water quality, herrings are still fished out of the Schlei in large quantities, as can be easily seen from the menus of the restaurants. For those who can't get enough of herring, the Kappeln Herring Days are recommended, an annual town festival that extends over four days from Ascension Day.

Because of its sheltered, favourable location on the Baltic Sea, Kappeln was once a thriving trading and fishing port that experienced its heyday in the 18th century. In the main, agricultural products from Angeln and Schwansen were loaded here. Every summer, the pedestrian zone is bustling with activity and many tourists go shopping here. In addition, there are narrow streets and staircases in the town centre, as well as tastefully restored old houses.

One of the town's sights is the 30-metre-high mill, rebuilt in Dutch style after a fire, which towers over the town together with St Nicholas' Church. The Kappeln mill is the tallest in Schleswig Holstein.

Originally built in 1888, the massive structure was planned by the owner at the time to be so high that the buildings surrounding the mill could not block out the wind. After all, the nine-story building's wing cross made 80 horsepower with a diameter of 23 meters. During the windy period, wind power was used not only to grind grain but also to saw wood. It was not until 1964 that the blades of the mill came to a standstill. The mill corporations had bought up the services of the small mills, and in return the millers had to agree not to produce any more flour. The great mill die-off began. Of the 15 windmills that used to be visible from the Kappeln Mill tour, only a few remain.

Today, the first floor houses the town's tourist office. The wedding room on the third floor is now so well known that couples from all over Germany say "I do" there. In addition, the historic building serves changing exhibitions.

Two other sights of the city lie close together on the quay south of the bascule bridge: The museum railway station and the museum harbour. The Angelner Dampfeisenbahn runs from here on its home route to Süderbrarup. The beautiful landscape between Kappeln and Süderbrarup alone is worth the trip in the old steam locomotive cars. As a sports skipper, you will certainly not miss a visit to the still young museum harbour.

Presumably Kappeln originated in the Viking Age around 900. The settlement is first mentioned in documents in connection with a chapel dedicated to St. Nicholas, the forerunner of today's Nikolai Church. The name Kappeln is also derived from the chapel.

The mighty Nikolai Church, towering high between old houses, is characterised inside by a colossal classicist architectural style. In contrast, the church's jewel, a side altar by Hans Gudewerth the Younger from 1641, has a modest appearance.

The church's name is Kappeln.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m


Phone +49 4642-1563
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Website https://ancker-yachting.de













Reinald Kratzsch, Speedy Go / Martha Marie
Für die Duschen braucht man 1€ Münzen
11.07.2024 14:19
Jürgen Dr. Franke , Compromiss
Hier liegt man etwas abseits vom trubeligen Stadthafen deutlich ruhiger und ist doch nur weniger Gehminuten vom Stadtkern entfernt. Gute Versorgungsmöglichkeiten in unmittelbarer Nähe (Discounter, Marineshop). Angemessene Liegegebühr,
29.04.2024 09:01
Kai, MaxiCosi
30.04.2021 10:24

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