København - Frihavn

Marina near Copenhagen (Østerbro)

Last edited 02.02.2023 at 16:30 by NV Charts Team


55° 41’ 51.4” N


12° 35’ 45.8” E


Denmark's cosmopolitan capital on the Øresund.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the harbours in the centre of København is via the "Lynetteløb", a buoyed and fired dredging channel, target depth 7m. The main entrance "Kronløb" is closed to pleasure craft. In Yderhafen, navigation is only allowed east of the main fairway. At night the approach requires a lot of experience and great navigational care because of the confusing city lighting. Max. Speed: 6 kn in the main fairway, 4 kn in channels / side fairways.


Mostly moorings for fixed berths at floating jetties with fingers (7m water depth). Supermarket and restaurant and sanitary facilities (chip/code) are available. Tel: +45 4042 3977


All utilities are available in the centre of København, 1 km away.

NV Land Guide

The history of the city of København

Findings show that people have lived here since prehistoric times, but it is not until the 11th century that the place is mentioned as "Havn". "Havn" was, however, only one village of several whose names are still found in the districts (e.g. Valby). In 1167, King Valdemar the Great gave Havn Castle and the town belonging to it to Bishop Absalon of Roskilde, who had the fortress Slotsholmen built. Soon the Lübeck Hanseatic League had to fear for the position of the city of Lübeck as the main port in the Baltic Sea.

The Lübeckers did not want to watch this development idly. They burned down the town and the castle in 1248. Nevertheless, the attack could not stop the development of the town. In the early 1400s København became the centre of the northern kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Erik of Pomerania succeeded in repulsing a fleet of Lübeckers off Copenhagen in 1428. He also succeeded in enhancing the role of København and pushing back the influence of the Hanseatic League. The great "German Company" of merchant burghers was driven out of the city in the 15th century. Under the people-oriented King Hans, Copenhagen experienced a period of prosperity. Englishmen and Dutchmen were brought to the city to stimulate trade. When King Hans had to leave the country, the people feared for their rights and defended the city against King Frederik I. The latter, however, confirmed the city's status as a free city. However, the latter, after conquering København, confirmed their civil rights. At the time of the feud of the counts, which was caused by a bloodbath of King Christian II against Swedish nobles, Christoph of Oldenburg ruled Copenhagen. He fought for the return of the king and against the reformers for the Catholic Church. About 1536 the Lutheran doctrine prevailed and became the state religion. Count Johann Rantzau had fought his way to København for King Christian III in 1536, thus making the new development possible. In the following period, plague epidemics raged in København, due to the cramped and miserable hygienic conditions in the city. Although more and more people came to København, the city walls did not allow the city to grow. On the other hand, the good fortifications made it possible to defend the city successfully against the Swedes in 1658 and 1659, and also against the Dutch and the English around 1700. The victory over the Swedes, who besieged the city for two years, was also helped by the fact that the king had promised the citizens nobility rights if they stood up to the Swedes. He is said to have earned special sympathy from the people of København by saying, "I die in my nest."

Major fires destroyed the old town in 1728 and 1795. When it was rebuilt, wider streets were laid out and distinguished town houses were built. By 1730, thriving trading companies helped the city prosper. The shipyards of Christianhavn were booming. In the early 1800s, the British navy put a heavy strain on København and its citizens. In 1809, after a heavy bombardment, the people of København had to surrender to the English, who confiscated the entire Danish navy. In 1813 the state bankruptcy followed, but the economic situation did not completely deteriorate and København developed more and more into the intellectual and cultural centre of the North. København's civil rights activists successfully fought for Denmark to become a constitutional monarchy in 1848. In 1867, the fortress was laid down.

While Denmark succeeded in maintaining its neutrality during World War I, thus saving the country and the København fleet from too many losses, the hope of limiting the damage to the country in this way during World War II was not fulfilled. Hitler ordered Denmark and Norway to attack in 1940. In the face of overwhelming force, King Christian X gave the order at Amalienborg to abandon the counter-attack. Nevertheless, there were acts of sabotage by resistance fighters and from 1943 onwards there was outright war between the people of København and the occupying forces.

Because of the great destruction in the Second World War, reconstruction in the post-war years was slow. Currency crises hampered the recovery in the early 1950s, but then the economy boomed. The fact that Copenhagen had one of the first pedestrian zones in Europe, with car-free shopping streets, contributed to the economic revival.

Marina Information

Max Depth 6 m


Phone +45 40 42 39 77
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website http://www.byoghavn.dk












Public Transport




Markohollenbach, Hollix
Sehr schöner Hafen, allerdings sehr schlechtes bzw. Gar kein WLAN 👎🏼
17.07.2022 12:18

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