
Marina near Nösund

Last edited 07.12.2022 at 12:27 by NV Charts Team


58° 4’ 23.2” N


11° 34’ 23.7” E


Protected natural harbour in the northwestern Stigfjord, located just off the fairway

NV Cruising Guide


The entry is uncomplicated and takes place on a direct route from the fairway of the Stigfjord.


You lie in front of a stern anchor with a leader line on a rock hook in a calm bay in at least 2 m water depth. Except in easterly winds, you are well protected from the wind. In the northern part of the bay you can also moor alongside the rock. Rock hooks can be found at the markings on the map. The anchoring ground is acceptable. In a bay on the north side of Kälkerön (not on the map) you can find good anchorage ground.


This nature reserve is very varied. You can find beautiful cliffs, but also a rich flora, many small animals and birds. There are individual houses and remains of former buildings, as well as a fine sandy beach. Mooring and camping on the island is allowed for a maximum of two days.

Marina Information



Jan-Ole, søsyg
Ösen an Land und Heckbojen ermöglichen sehr angenehmes Festmachen. Grills und Trockenklo auf der nördlichen Seite der Bucht! Gut geschützt, dafür ist man hier aber bestimmt selten allein.
19.06.2022 16:06
Prachtige tegen westelijke winden beschutte plek. Afmeren aan de rots met achterboei
16.06.2022 17:50

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