
Marina near Stocken

Last edited 09.08.2024 at 10:06 by NV Charts Team


58° 6’ 48.9” N


11° 21’ 58.2” E


Former herring fishing village, today a very popular sports boat and natural harbor.

NV Cruising Guide


The harbor is not lighted and should only be approached at night with local knowledge. Coming from the northeast fairway across the Käringöfjord, head for the buoy with the north stop sign north of Käringön. Keep the buoy to port, then you can head for the harbor.


You can moor in front of the stern buoys on the outer western floating bridge or alongside on the inner floating bridge. The southern quays of the actual harbor can also be used by prior arrangement. The weather protection is good, except in northerly winds. Then there is swell in the harbor. In the guest harbor, there is poor protection from winds from the west to the north.


Fishing has always been the most important source of income. Life on the island was once carefree until preacher Simon arrived in the second half of the 19th century: he closed many of the island's pubs and taught the population strict rules of life in admonition of the Lord, banning both dancing and alcoholic beverages and forcing everyone to live as he taught.

When herring fishing was no longer profitable, the population declined. Around the turn of the century, Käringön became a seaside resort. Today, it is a lively community in the archipelago that relies on tourism as well as its own population. The buildings are worth seeing, especially the small museum and the vicarage on the west side of the island, which now serves as a pub. The harbor is always extremely busy in the summer season, making it quite crowded. Alternatively, a visit in September, when things are quieter again, is highly recommended. Then you should eat a turbot in Petterson's Pub in peace and quiet, which is a special delicacy here and is considered an insider tip.

There are regular boat connections to Hälleviksstrand and onwards by bus to Henån.

There is a small self-checkout supermarket at the ferry terminal.

Marina Information


Phone +46 304 560 55











Public Transport




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