
Marina near Kungshamn

Last edited 09.08.2024 at 00:28 by NV Charts Team


58° 20’ 17.5” N


11° 16’ 24.6” E


Natural harbour

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is possible from several directions, but coming from the north is the easiest. Watch out for the rock west of the entrance to Buröarna. If you want to approach the natural harbour from the southeast, you must have a maximum draught of 1.5m. In addition, good visibility and extreme attention are required.


You lie in front of stern anchors in marked places on a water depth of 2 - 2,5 m. Near the shore here and there are stones under water, so special attention is required. Shelter is good with winds from the southeast over south to northwest. The bay has a fine sandy bottom that provides good anchorage. Only the partial presence of seaweed can affect the hold.


Buröarna is a beautiful island a little off the main routes, overlooking the entire Malmö Fjord. The view from the hill on the western island is impressive. The islands have many nice places to sunbathe and swim. As the islands are popular, you can't expect to be alone here on a nice summer day. However, there is plenty of space on the islands. Dry toilets are available.

Marina Information



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