Flatskär Ulön

Marina near Hamburgsund

Last edited 11.07.2024 at 13:49 by NV Charts Team


58° 30’ 18.9” N


11° 15’ 58.7” E


Natural harbour

NV Cruising Guide


From the fairway, it is easiest to orient yourself along the northwest shore of Landlös Island. In front of the southeast corner of Dannemark, watch out for shallow water. You can also pass between the islands of Stora Flatskär and Landlös. However, extreme caution is required here because of the stones in the middle of the passage. It is best to pass the stones to the north.


You moor off the stern anchor or alongside the rock hooks of Stora Flatskär and Landlös marked on the map in 1-3 m water depth. There is good protection from waves in all winds except north to northeast. Protection from wind is almost non-existent. The bottom offers good grip, although existing seaweed may reduce it.


The islands are part of the Dannemarken Nature Reserve. Stora Flatskär is one of the most barren islands in the region, with many rocky areas and poor vegetation. The situation is impressive: you are sheltered and at the same time, just a few meters away, you have the Skagerrak in front of you. With a dinghy you can make interesting excursions in the shallow and sheltered waters. Dry toilets are available.

Marina Information



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