
Marina near Skalhamn

Last edited 26.03.2024 at 16:59 by NV Charts Team


58° 18’ 44.9” N


11° 23’ 1” E


Natural harbour

NV Cruising Guide


Boats with a draught of less than 1 m can pass the narrows between Bläckhall and Flatholmen, but must be aware of the shoal to the west. Access to the berth from the east is problem-free.


You moor off stern anchors in marked spots on the island's northeast sea. The water depth is 1 - 1.5 m directly in front of the rock but deeper boats with overhang can also moor. Very good protection from sea and wind from directions between south and northwest. Rock hooks are available (see map). The anchoring ground is acceptable.


Bläckhal has an impressive height. On the north side there is an inviting meadow with remains of a settlement. A child-friendly bathing beach is also available.

Marina Information



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