
Marina near Hamburgsund

Last edited 02.08.2024 at 13:02 by NV Charts Team


58° 34’ 54.1” N


11° 12’ 53.4” E


Natural harbour and anchorage

NV Cruising Guide


The approach from the north is unproblematic. Keep in the middle between Fläskön and Sköllholmen. Coming from the south, you can pass through the middle between the islands of Fläskön and Södra Kussmulan.


You moor off stern anchors at the marked spots on the west side of Fläskön, the east side of Gluppö or to the north of Norra and Södra Kussmulan. The shoal north of S. Kussmulan is usually marked by a buoy. At Gluppö you can also moor alongside at water depths between 0.5 and 4 metres. It can be difficult to climb the steep rocks on Gluppö's eastern shore. Gluppö Bay is large enough to anchor here, which is done by many. The sandy and muddy bottom provides good anchor hold in water depths of 4 - 13 metres. Shelter is good in all winds except north. In southwesterly to westerly winds the protection is very good, which is why Gluppö can also be used as a storm harbour.


Gluppö is one of the most popular natural harbours for pleasure boaters due to its good protection. You are rarely alone here, yet there is plenty of space. The island's altitude (35 m above sea level) offers not only good protection but also one of the best views in the region. There are many bathing rocks and even a small sandy beach. A toilet is available.

Marina Information



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