
Marina near Havstenssund

Last edited 27.03.2024 at 11:56 by NV Charts Team


58° 43’ 31.4” N


11° 8’ 46.2” E


Natural harbour

NV Cruising Guide


If you approach the bay from the southeast, you will pass the narrows between Ulsholmen and Väreskär. Keep closer to Ulsholmen than to Väreskär. Southeast of Väreskär there is a shoal. Coming from the north, keep clear of the shoal and the rock with surf south of Långeskär. The current sets here mostly northward at a speed of less than 1 knot.


On Ulsholmen's northeast side you lie in front of stern anchors on rock hooks. The water depth is 1.5 - 3.5 m, but close under land it can get very shallow. Protected from wind from directions between south and northwest, it can become quite uncomfortable here in hard weather. The anchoring ground is acceptable, but the narrowness of the bay limits the anchoring possibilities.


On Ulsholmen there is a bird sanctuary, which you are not allowed to approach closer than 50 metres from 1.04. to 15.07. The island is pretty and inviting, despite its barrenness and exposed position to one of the busiest fairways on this coast. Beautiful rocks, lots of greenery and an excellent sandy beach as well as a great view from the hill compensate for Ulsholmen's less than perfect weather protection. Dry toilet is available.

Marina Information



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