
Marina near Altwarp

Last edited 08.07.2024 at 13:01 by Dirk Schulte, Sirius


53° 44’ 20.2” N


14° 16’ 19.7” E


Fishing and former ferry port, as well as the most northeastern border port in the southern part of the Szczecin Lagoon, located at the entrance to Lake Neuwarp, directly on the Polish border.

NV Cruising Guide


The buoyed fairway starts at buoy 9. From buoy 7 you have to walk towards the boundary dolphin which is right in front.


Yachtsmen are welcome guests in Altwarp. There are places available for them at the north pier and south pier with water and E-connection on 3m water depth. 

The western part of the north pier is used by small fishing boats.


Modern sanitary facilities are available. The place offers good supply possibilities.

The west shore of the Neuwarper lake invites to extensive walks in the scenic area.

NV Land Guide

Originally a fishing village with a long history, the place was developed at the end of the 30s as a military training area of the Wehrmacht. Used and expanded were the port facilities  for the barrage boats, which secured the lagoon during the anti-aircraft firing times.

In the mid-90s, a lot of life came up by "butter shipping, which was then with the accession of Poland to the "European Union" but again ended. Due to the "Schengen Agreement", passport controls into the neighbouring country were also abolished, which in the further course brought regular shipping traffic to a standstill.  

30 metres from the port of Altwarp runs the German-Polish border. Fishing boats mainly call at the easternmost German harbour in the Little Lagoon.

The supply situation in the border village, which has around 500 inhabitants, is good, and there is also a bus connection to the district town of Ueckermünde.

The village offers no special features or sights, apart from its beautiful natural location. There are still almost untouched wetlands, where eagles, herons and cranes are at home. In the lonely and deserted area you can walk for hours without meeting a human being.

Marina Information


Phone +49 151 19338339






Washing machine


Public Transport



Friedrich Voß , TEMPTATION
Sehr freundliches Hafenpersonal, gute Sanitär Anlage , alt aber gepflegt. Ort mit ausreichender Versorgung, nette Gaststätten. Hafen etwas schwellanfällig mit Waschmaschine und Trockner.
25.05.2024 15:31
Knut.balzer, Mops Nero
20.08.2021 03:08

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