
Marina near Mönkebude

Last edited 03.08.2024 at 09:34 by Thomas-Robert Füting , Charter-Boat


53° 46’ 24” N


13° 58’ 12.3” E


Well-developed yacht and fishing harbour on the south-west side of the Little Lagoon. Plenty of space for manoeuvring. 

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is only recommended for those unfamiliar with the area during the day. Due to the extensive gillnet fishery, recreational boaters should use the buoyed approach (at the latest) from buoy M1 to buoy M5. You enter in the middle between the private green buoyage and the pier head (or small red buoy).


Although all available boxes are occupied by locals, there is always room for guests. Free berths on 1,7 - 2m water depth are located on port side just behind the pier. Free berths are marked in green. The distance from the quay to the aft piles is partly very large, approx. 12 m. Small boats need 2 long mooring lines aft. The signposted area reserved for passenger ships may only be occupied after consultation with the harbour master.


Friendly harbour master, good sanitary facilities, supply possibilities (small supermarket with bakery and with limited offer, few fresh goods), several restaurants, an ice cream parlour and a boatyard are available.

The good condition of the harbour, the extensive, wooded hinterland and the beautiful bathing beach near the harbour invite to a longer visit. Children will feel at home here. WLAN not receivable in the whole harbour.

Note: no ATM in the village, when shopping in the supermarket money withdrawal up to 200 € is possible, often only after noon. Mostly only cash payment is possible in the shops and restaurants. 

NV Land Guide

The fishing and holiday village of Mönkebude, which has a population of around 650, now lives more from tourism than from fishing. There are good bus connections to the district town of Ueckermünde and to the surrounding villages.

The Mönkebude fishing lake boat "Ghost"" has the reputation of being one of the most faithful to the original in this vintage class and is therefore definitely to be regarded as a small sight. Boat owner Wilhelm Hader pays scrupulous attention to preserving his old wooden boat as a typical fishing boat and offers excursions.

During the Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763), the Russians and French had succeeded in persuading the Swedes to join the war.

On 10. September 1759 there was a sea battle in the Haff between Swedish warships and the First Brandenburg-Prussian Flotilla, which lost nine of twelve ships and thus had to accept a bitter defeat against the Scandinavians.

In the restaurant "Haffblick", 300 m south of the harbour you can find a large wall drawing: the sea battle of the Swedes against the Prussians. For those interested in history, there is the small museum "Fischerstube" Mönkebude with exhibits on fishing and seafaring with a close local connection. 

Directly at the harbour is a bathing beach. 

Extensive hiking opportunities are offered through the miles of meadows north of Mönkebude and through the large forest areas west of the village. Further sights can be found in Ueckermünde.

Marina Information


Phone +49 162 479 9943
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website https://www.moenkebude.de/moenkebude/hafen/















Public Transport





Schöner kleiner Hafen mit Gastronomie und Badestrand.
08.06.2021 16:54
Frank Zappi, Spökenkieker
Fahren hier immer wieder gerne in den Hafen ein und bleiben auch immer ein paar Tage.
21.08.2020 10:44
Frank, Diamant
28.05.2020 00:17

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