
Marina near Sundhagen (Landwerthof)

Last edited 10.07.2023 at 20:14 by NV Charts Team


54° 14’ 4.6” N


13° 17’ 33.7” E


Large double harbour on the west coast of the Strelasund.

NV Cruising Guide


In the Strelasund, you steer into the harbour from buoy 20  in the buoyed fairway. At night, a searchlight should already be used in front of the stone piers.

The entrance of the North Harbour tends to silting up (2017: reported below 2m).


The north harbour is mainly used by fishermen and local residents. Guests can berth there on free spaces at floating and landing stages by arrangement. 

More space  can be found at the piers in the south harbour on guest berths (3-4m) along the pier or with stern buoys.

The expansion to a water hiking rest area was completed in 2015.


A campsite is located near the harbour. Apart from a good fish smokehouse with sales and a restaurant, there are limited supply possibilities at the harbour in the kiosk. Despite the ferry traffic, the harbour has a pleasant atmosphere.

NV Land Guide

Stahlbrode is one of the typical, small, well-kept villages at the southern entrance to the Strelasund. Picturesquely situated on a hill, it consists mainly of single-family houses and has some utilities that benefit the campsite visitors northwest of the harbour and the sports boaters in summer. On the main road leading up the hill directly from the harbour, just beside the bus stop, is a pretty chapel surrounded by a graveyard.

For those who prefer an outing in nature, the hike to the Niederhof Nature Reserve, nearly seven kilometres to the northwest, to the cormorant colony is recommended. A hiking trail leads from the harbour directly to the colony, whose population is estimated at around 2000 pairs of birds. As the birds feed on fish, the whole area smells of fishmeal due to their droppings. The large beech and oak trees used as nesting sites did not like the excrement of the birds. They died. In the leafless oaks, however, the cormorants can be observed particularly well in their nests (see also Neuhof).

Marina Information


Phone +49 160 9706 0982













Public Transport




Hermann, Kulkuri
Guter Hafen, netter Hafenmeister, außer der Fischräucherei ist montags alles geschlossen.
10.07.2023 20:14
Rene, none
Schwell bei Ostwind kann ich bestätigen
20.06.2021 23:07
S.clark, Hirondelle
Einfacher Hafen. Die Tankstelle ist seit 2018 geschlossen. Bei Nord- und Ostwind Schwell im Hafen. Hafenmeisterin sehr nett. Für unsere 10m Länge 10 € die Nacht. Restaurant Fährmans Hus sehr lecker. Genügend Platz zum Manövrieren in beiden Häfen.
16.08.2020 10:15

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