
Marina near Insel Hiddensee

Last edited 26.07.2024 at 20:56 by Christoph, Anning


54° 35’ 3.3” N


13° 6’ 41.3” E


Cozy harbor of the old seaside resort Kloster in the northern part of the island of Hiddensee.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is recommended to those unfamiliar with the area only during the day, keeping in the 25m wide fairway and therefore special attention is required. On the northern edge of the fairway west of buoy 13 are stones.

Outgoing vessels have right of way. In any case, the ferry operating between Schaprode (Rügen) and Vitte must be given space.


Guests can find free places at the jetties in the southern harbor basin or at the eastern part of the north pier at about 2.5m water depth.

On the rear jetties, the water depth is often only at just under 2m or below!

In the harbor basin, siltation and silting are to be expected. Here, the depth is sometimes less than 2m.

The berth of the passenger ship at the pier is to be kept free.


Sanitary facilities with washing machine and dryer are located at the port of Kloster. Several restaurants and supply facilities are available. The island museum, the Gerhard Hauptmann memorial or the lighthouse Dornbusch invite you to visit.

NV Land Guide

"From the camp I gently lift my weary limbs; a warm summer night outside strengthens them again..." With these lines begins a poem by Gerhart Hauptmann praising nature on Hiddensee. His name is inseparably linked with the village of Kloster and the island. Well over a million visitors have visited the house "Seedorn", former summer residence and today's memorial of the world-famous poet, since his death on June 6, 1946.

During his life, the Nobel laureate and fighter for peace and social justice issued a rejection of violence: "The world is redeemed neither with gold nor through acts of violence, but solely through humanity, through human respect, through humanity." To the National Socialists, he wrote in 1937: "I know of no fate of any people...that equals in violence and tragic greatness that of the Jewish people."

Born on November 15, 1862, the youngest son of an innkeeper and hotel owner in Bad Ober-Salzbrunn, he contributed decisively to the end of Bismarck's days in 1889 with the play "Before Sunrise."

His "Weavers" appealed to Admiral Adolf Adler. His "Weavers" pleased the nobility as little as the emperor, who refused him the Schiller Prize in 1896. But three times the Viennese Academy awarded him the Grillparzer Prize, before he received the highest honor in 1912 with the award of the Nobel Prize. Two years later, his ideal of world peace suffered a severe setback when World War I broke out. But through this and World War II, he held fast to his positions without compromise, becoming an ambassador for peace with numerous plays - and an ambassador for Hiddensee, whose nature he understood to be a part of this peace.

How Hauptmann lived and worked, where he sought inspiration and recreation on the island, and what drove him, is what visitors to the Gerhart Hauptmann Memorial in Kloster learn. His study, the fireplace corner, the hallway and his library provide private insights into the everyday life of the great writer, who reveals in his poem "The Island": "...And now we live in alien-powerful time, lost again in desolation. In my house silent room reigns the dream."

Despite prudery and the guardians of morality, he writes the novel "The Island of the Great Mother" in the late summer of 1916 and says about it: "I would probably never have written it if I had not seen for years on Hiddensee the many beautiful, often completely naked women's bodies and observed the goings-on there." It was not until 1922 that he completed the novel. On June 25, 1930 Hauptmann buys "Haus Seedorn". The lovingly furnished island museum is located in the rooms of the former sea rescue station. Here, the origin of the island, its first settlement and the development until today are the topics of the exhibitions. The visitor learns a lot about the finds from pre-Christian times, the former Cistercian monastery, shipping, fishing, the faiences made of Hiddensee clay, customs such as the so-called house brands, nature conservation and its areas, the Hiddensee gold treasure and much more. Thus, the museum on the high bank "Vorlege" is at the same time an excellent guide for island excursions.

The name of the village of 400 inhabitants has its origin in the former Cistercian monastery, which stood near today's harbor. Prince Witzlaw II of Rügen had given the monks the entire island in 1296. But the cowl bearers brought discord to the island, because they took away old rights from the inhabitants, such as the right to beach. There were often fierce disputes in which the fishermen beat up and imprisoned the monks. But after the complaints of the monks to the princes, the fishermen themselves always lost out. After the Reformation, the buildings of the clergy fell into disrepair and the valuable treasures of the monks disappeared without a trace. It was not until 1971 that foundation excavations were completed, from which the location of the Cistercian monastery could be reconstructed. From the monastery emerged an estate with a church and a jug, which only very late developed into a village.

The three highest Hiddensee elevations - Swanti, Bakenberg and Schluckswiek - are all around 70 meters high, lie close together on the Dornbusch highland and offer a view of the Baltic Sea and the island that probably leaves no one unimpressed. The 28-meter lighthouse on the Schluckswiek has been in operation since 1888. Its 2000-watt beacon from a height of almost 100 meters still shows ships the way at a distance of 21 nautical miles. Because of its reinforced concrete shell, the lighthouse is not one of the most impressive. But the cracks that the tower showed due to earth shifts on the briar shortly after its construction made a stable scaffolding necessary. Visitors reach the platform via 102 steps. Opening hours daily from 10:30 to 16:00 (in good weather from mid-April to October).

The name of Swanti Mountain (see plan) is probably due to the Slavic deity Swantevit (see Breege, Cape Arkona). Whether a similar sanctuary as on the steep coast of Cape Arkona has stood here, however, has not yet been proven. Nevertheless, the mound grave below Swanti Mountain from the time around 1000 B.C. proves that the island was settled early. Grommet legs and arm rings from the Bronze Age discovered at Kloster also point to a pre-Christian trading place. The discovery of the grave of a Germanic woman with rich grave goods caused quite a stir. Around 200 A.D. the probably highly placed Germanic woman was buried on Hiddensee. Ceramic vessels as well as gold and silver jewelry were added to her grave near today's restaurant "Klausner". Most of the Germanic tribes migrated from the southern Baltic Sea in the 6th century, and those who remained mixed with the Slavs who followed.

On the outer beach of the highland, two residents found a bangle weighing almost 700 grams (!) from the 9th century. It is unclear whether it must be attributed to the Vikings or the Slavs. Although the Slavs still held their own on the Rügen islands (see Ralswiek), Viking raids were not uncommon.

The find on the beach also draws attention to a geological development, the massive land erosion of the Dornbusch highlands. The scale of the land loss can be seen from the fact that scientists estimate that the moraine floe of the briar bush was twice as large 5,000 years ago. So the heavy golden bracelet could have been in a hiding place or grave on the heights of the briar before it slid into the depths. The Baltic Sea, wind and rain continue to gnaw at the cliff, which is moving ominously toward the lighthouse. The sand martin is also doing its part as the coast starts to move downward. It digs its breeding burrows up to 90 centimeters deep into the steep slopes.

The merchant Joachim Ulrich Giese was also involved in the land erosion. The Swedish chamber councillor acquired the island of Hiddensee in 1854 and shortly thereafter discovered clay on the steep coast. He founded a faience factory in Stralsund, had the clay mined, slurried at Schwedenhagen (see plan), brought to Stralsund on barges and there processed into utilitarian tableware and exquisite pieces for the fatter purse.

Coastal protection was and is an important issue on Hiddensee due to the heavy land losses. The stone wall at the Hucke, the beach and dune reclamation monastery are just two of the measures to protect the land from further erosion. However, there is also something positive to be gained from the land losses: they provide insights into the structure of the moraine massif when walking along the shore. The fossilized witnesses of early historical epochs are uncovered. All kinds of shells like pinnipeds, coral imprints, sea urchins and thunderbolts are among them - and amber (the thunderbolts are the fossilized tail hard parts of an extinct species of squid). The traces of life from prehistoric times that have become stone (in detail, see Sassnitz) are extremely diverse, the oldest are several 100 million years old.

By the way, whoever has not yet known what a wind fugitive is: a few magnificent specimens of the wind-formed trees stand on the steep bank of the Hucke and indicate the most frequent wind direction. The land that the briar loses is washed back up to the south and east. For example, the northeast hook of Neu-Bessin emerged from the Baltic Sea only 100 years ago. The central and southern parts of the island are also alluvial land, which did not exist at all 4000 years ago and then only gradually formed. Initially, only the thorn bush was habitable.

For naturalists, the highlands are just as rich a "site" as they are for geologists. The holly on the cliff edges of the steep coast and the broad-leaved orchid are just two of about 1000 different plants on Hiddensee. The museum in Kloster provides detailed information about them. There are 650 different flowering plants and 80 mosses alone - many in need of protection and many unfortunately also acutely threatened in their existence. Visitors to Hiddensee are therefore urgently requested to use only the paths. The request is not only for plant protection but also for bird protection. Hiddensee lies in the area of important bird migration routes. The employees of the Hiddensee ornithological station (see map) on the Dornbusch observe the bird migration and ensure the protection of breeding birds.

The Lietzenburg near the ornithological station, a pompous, castle-like building in English country house style, was built in 1905 by the Berlin painter Oskar Kruse. The many artists who were attracted to the island once met in the representative Art Nouveau house. After the First World War, Hiddensee became an artists' colony of similar standing to Worpswede. One artist in particular was devoted to the island: Elisabeth Büchsel (1867-1957). Because she wanted to see herself as part of the island and its people, she lived with the fishermen and farmers and painted them at work. However, it was by no means only the artists who came here. Hiddensee also had a magnetic effect on many famous thinkers and scientists. Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Mann, Carl Zuckmayer, Joachim Ringelnatz and the famous Danish actress Asta Nielsen were among the visitors (see also Vitte).

Grieben in the northeast of Kloster is the oldest village on Hiddensee. It was first mentioned in a document as early as 1297, when the monks made claims to the village. As far as the population of 60 villagers is concerned, not much has changed in Grieben since that time. On the way back from the highlands, a detour to the small settlement is recommended.

Still remained to mention the church and churchyard in Kloster. The church is the only building on the island that still exists from the time of the Cistercian monks, although heavily modified. Since it was consecrated around 1330, it has been the parish church for the whole island. A pond between the monastery and Grieben is also a reminder of the monastic times. The gravestones in the churchyard are listed as historical monuments. In addition to the stones with maritime motifs, the gravestones with the so-called house marks stand out, rune-like signs with which the property was marked (see Vitte).

With restaurants, cafes, a bookstore and grocery stores, there are sufficient supply options in Kloster.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.5 m


Phone +49 171 5364229
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Website http://www.seglerhafen-kloster.de/










Public Transport





V Kraaijeveld, Topophilia
Afther checking the website for free spots and prior to arriving in the harbour the harbor master unfriendly told us that we should have used our cellphones with a childish ring ring sound. The harbour had plenty of space but he told every boat it was full and send them away. Very strange encounter. Do not recommend goung here.
26.07.2024 20:56
Volker Koerber, Little Eida
Ohne Worte
01.09.2023 17:49
Marco Härzer, SunSeaBar
Was ein malerischer und magischer Hafen. Schon bei der Einfahrt heisst einen der Hafenmeister willkommen und weist den Liegeplatz zu. Beim Anlegen hilft der Hafenmeister auch noch mit. Der Ort Kloster bietet alles, was das Herz begehrt, Bäcker, Restaurants, Läden und nicht zu vergessen, den schönen Leuchtturm Dornenbusch in greifbarer Nähe. Eine autofreie Insel, zum Fahrradverleih und los geht's.
24.07.2022 21:39
Martina / Martin Teterra, CONZISKA
Angenehme Marina netter hilfsbereiter Hafenmeister schöne Atmosphäre super Fich bei Willi und den Bürgermeister
14.06.2022 10:48
Bernd Brunke, KAUKAU
Super schön gelegener Hafen. Tolle Burger im Restaurant „Schillingshafenamt“, super Brötchen bei Bäcker Kasten im Ort. Gas beim Supermarkt (der zweite vom Hafen aus). Fahrräder leihen und Insel genießen. Dornbusch in der Nähe, Eis von der Hiddenseeer Eismanufaktur testen.
06.08.2020 11:52
Norman, Samoa
31.05.2020 13:46

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