Szczecin/ Stettin (Northeast Marina)

Marina near Szczecin (Międzyodrze-Wyspa Pucka)

Last edited 09.09.2024 at 14:47 by Guy Montavon, Riva


53° 25’ 38.3” N


14° 34’ 13.1” E


Modern, new and functional marina near the city centre of Szczecin between the two islands Łasztownia and Wyspa Grodzka.

NV Cruising Guide


The port is easily approached from the West Odra River by rounding the southern end of Wyspa Grodzka Island.


Free guest seating at floating pontoons with finger pontoons.


Modern sanitary facilities are available in the harbour building on the island. There is a restaurant on the south side of the harbour. Shopping facilities, doctor, pharmacy and ATM can be found about 1km away.

The first construction phase with about 80 berths (25 of them for guests) and the bridge connection over the Duńczyca is already in operation. A total of 150 berths with the usual harbour service will be available at one time. In addition, there will be a direct ferry connection to the city centre within sight, a maritime museum, a concert shell and other leisure facilities in the future.

NV Land Guide

"Poland's gateway to the world" is what Szczecin is called because of the outstanding importance of its port for passenger and freight traffic. The atmosphere in the city is also cosmopolitan, although it was rebuilt more along the lines of expediency than beauty after the severe destruction of the Second World War. Although the harbour promenade has been largely preserved in its old splendour and the old Chobry ramparts between the harbour and the city have been turned into beautiful green spaces, the huge elevated road complex leading across the estuary arms of the Oder River ruins this positive impression at the city harbour. The modern building of the harbour administration does not fit into the predominantly historical harbour image. Unfortunately, Fort Leopold, which was still standing on the ramparts in the 18th century, was demolished and a large classicist building was erected in its place at the beginning of the 20th century. These impressive buildings stretch along the harbour for half a kilometre. In the middle of the building's silhouette, corridors lead to a stone sculpture depicting the battle of Hercules with the centaur. Passing two small towers, you can climb the grandiose stairs of the hook terrace to the official buildings from the turn of the 19th/20th century, which today serve as the Sea Academy. The National Museum is also located here.

Around 500 m north of the buildings, some of which are lit up at night, the city's largest park, Zeromskiego Park, invites you to take a stroll.

Small shopping arcades, cosy basement shops, theatres and cafés partly offset the sober impression of the centre west of the harbour. In addition, Szczecin has a number of sights to offer, first and foremost the mighty castle with an excellent view of the city from the castle tower. Kürschnergasse/ Kusnierska leads up to the complex, which was once built as a Gothic castle by Barnim III to protect an earlier Slavic settlement.

In the crypt rest the bones of the Pomeranian dukes. They expanded the castle into a magnificent seat of government.

Msciwoja Street near the Most-Dlugi Bridge runs parallel to the embankment road and leads to the old town hall, whose rooms house the town museum. It is also not far to the Peter and Paul Church. Here, Malopolska Street brings you to your destination after a few hundred metres. Also worth seeing is the baroque Triumphal Gate "Brama Portowa", the former Berlin Gate from 1725 in the east of Victory Square. Town houses of the 17th and 18th centuries line the "Plac Orla Bialego". The later Tsarina Catherine II lived in one of these buildings around 1740.

It was not until the 12th century that the Slavic fishing settlement began to flourish after being missionized by Otto of Bamberg. In 1243 Szczecin received city rights and became a member of the Hanseatic League. Today the city has a population of over 400,000, most of whom come from the Russian eastern territories of Poland (since the end of the Second World War).

The wooded surroundings of Szczecin are extremely attractive. Numerous tributaries of the Oder wind through the beech forests and the moor and meadow landscapes.

Marina Information


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Public Transport




Fkmarburg, Carina
Der Hafen liegt innenstadtnah und ist sehr modern. Für einen Trip in die Stadt eine gute Adresse. Die Hafenmeister sind sehr freundlich und bemüht. Wir lagen hier so preisgünstig wie noch nie: knapp 12€ für 8,5m Bootslänge. Nachteilig ist der angrenzende Holiday-Park. Hier ist bis 23Uhr Ramba Zamba und auch nachts leuchten die vielen Lichter und Beleuchtungen den Hafen stark aus.
06.08.2024 15:46
Toni Bindl, Blauwe Daen
Moderne Marina im Stadtzentrum. Sehr freundlich und hifsbereit. Mit dem Bus od. Fahrrad direkt über die 2. Brücke ins Stadtzentrum. Holiday-Park mit etwas Stimmung aber nachts absolut, sauber und sicher. Wir haben uns 1 Woche sehr wohl gefühlt. PS: plötzlicher Getriebeschaden durch Vermittlung der polnischen Stegnachbarn innerhalb 1 Tages blitzschnell und fachmännisch behoben durch Herrn Wojtek Olesiuk.
23.07.2024 18:41
Chris Michels, ClieMaLou
Prima haven op loopafstand van het centrum. Schöner Hafen in Gehweite des Stadtzentrums.
16.09.2023 16:49
Martin, Lütte
Sehr Modern alles super sauber Personal sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit
26.07.2021 09:12

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