
Marina near Tunø By

Last edited 17.08.2024 at 12:30 by Reimer Vellguth , Mumm


55° 56’ 56” N


10° 27’ 13.6” E


Small, popular island harbor, which is visited by many pleasure craft in summer

NV Cruising Guide


The lighted harbor (F.R) can be approached day and night without any problems. Head northwest towards the port and then enter the port at 260° for the last 150 m via a channel marked with two pairs of buoys. The approach has a nominal depth of 3.2 m. A good landmark is the church tower, which also serves as a lighthouse.


Guests are very cramped in the harbor at a water depth of 2 - 2.5 m. There is only room for a few local pleasure craft in the newly built ferry port. At weekends, the harbor is often occupied by sailors from Aarhus. Anchoring: In westerly and northerly winds, there is a good anchorage immediately north-east of the harbor at a water depth of 2 - 3 m close to land. Please note the cable area marked with two pairs of beacons, which you should keep clear of.


Ordinary sanitary facilities can be found at the harbour master's office. You can buy food from the island grocer and fresh vegetables from the farms along the road. There is a ferry connection to Hov. WiFi is available, but not necessarily stable; just like the mobile network.

NV Land Guide

Why Tunø is jokingly known among sailors as the island "where the pastor's wife had an affair with the lighthouse keeper" becomes clear when you take a look at the island church. Church tower and lighthouse are both in one. The combination is peculiar but functional, especially as the church is located on the highest point of the island. 31 meters above sea level, the beacon points the way to the shallow island, which is very popular with pleasure boaters.

The beautiful, child-friendly beach at the harbour is just as much a reason for its popularity as the tranquil village 300 meters inland. The car-free island also attracts visitors with its varied landscape. Knicks between the fields, the island forest "Mosen" on the northern shore and a steep coastline (albeit not very high) on the western shores make up the charm of the small island, which attracts sailors in such large numbers in midsummer that the harbor is occasionally closed due to overcrowding. The likelihood of not finding a berth is highest at this time of year at weekends.

The first building on the way to the village of 100 inhabitants is the village pub at the entrance to the village, which offers a modest range of services and equally modest facilities. The narrow road forks and on the right, a few houses further on, is the aforementioned church with its tower, which has been used as a beacon for 200 years. A late Gothic sexton's chair and a cabinet altar are among the sights of the church, the oldest parts of which were built in the 14th century.

Some half-timbered houses line the two parallel village streets, which merge back into one street before leaving the village. Around 100 meters further on, a path branches off to the left to the western tip of the island, just under three kilometers away. Once there, the northern island path leads back to the tarred road at "Løkke Gaarde" and back to the village, where you can either stock up on provisions at a small grocery store or buy fresh vegetables from the farmers. In addition to the many winding paths off the main paths, the long beaches are also recommended hiking routes because you can find many a fossil here.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m


Phone +45 2925 2179
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website https://tunoehavn.odder.dk






Washing machine






Public Transport




Kai, Don Papa
Tunø an sich ist wirklich klasse. Baden, Stimmung und Landschaft sprechen für sich. Negativ sind mittlerweile die Sanitäranlagen die eine glatte sechs sind. Wer auf Wlan oder ein stabiles Mobilfunknetz angewiesen ist wird hier auch nicht glücklich.
17.08.2024 12:30
Elvira Bäfverfeldt, Trygvason
Nice little harbour with a great view of Samsø. The ferry and the village brings a bit of life to the marina, which is just enjoyable. By mid August it was no problem to find a birth and very nice to take a walk through the adorable village and see the very pretty lighthouse/church. The water quality in and around the harbour is great for swimming.
15.08.2024 21:18
Christian Lindner, SY Blaubär
Gefunden auf: https://www.tv2ostjylland.dk/kultur/corona-var-sidste-som-i-kisten-tuno-festival-lukker "Corona war der letzte Nagel im Sarg: Das Tunø Festival schließt Rückläufige Besucherzahlen haben finanzielle Probleme für das Tunø Festival verursacht, und nach 33 Jahren ist es nun vorbei. 6. November 2020, 19 Uhr. 11:04
06.07.2024 17:39
Björn Willnat, Wilde Hilde
Definitiv einen Besuch wert! Eine niedliche, weitestgehend naturbelassene Insel mit charmantem Dorf. Morgens werden die Touristen mit der Fähre übergesetzt und haben dann eine Treckertour über die Insel. Das Dorf ist keine 500m entfernt und bietet eine Gastronomie und einen kleinen Einkaufsladen mit allem, was man benötigt. Ein Ausflug zu den Steilhängen im Süden lohnt sich unbedingt. Der Ausblick ist umwerfend und man ist mitten in der Natur. Unmittelbar am Hafen ist ein Sandstrand zum Baden. Süßwasser-Dusche ist vorhanden, aber eiskalt. Trinkwasser gibt es nicht an den Stegen. Für 5 Kronen kann man 5 Minuten Wasser haben. Die meisten decken ihren Bedarf in den Sanitäranlagen. Die sind allerdings leider nur ok. Ansonsten ein ruhiger Hafen, wo sich alle freuen, die einen Platz ergattern konnten; meistens im Päckchen. Kleine Boote halten sich rechts und fahren bis zum Ende durch. Am Ende ein Ziel, dass man besucht haben müsste.
27.06.2024 23:07
Godeke Michels, Harmonie
Reizende kleine autofreie Insel, perfekter Hafen, gute Versorgung im Minisupermarkt
27.06.2023 20:51
Barry Hoogendoorn, Vanbee
24.06.2022 09:52
W S, SWE 62
11.08.2021 21:45

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