
Marina near Stensjö

Last edited 10.06.2024 at 23:55 by NV Charts Team


56° 47’ 37.6” N


12° 36’ 39.3” E


Small, protected recreational marina in a nature reserve.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the unlit harbour is only recommended during the day. It is approached via the fairway marked with two directional beacons. The target depth is 2 m, but both the harbour and the fairway tend to silt up. The harbour cannot be approached in onshore strong winds.


The harbour offers around ten designated guest berths with water depths of 1 - 1.5m. Other places should not be used by guest berth holders.


Besides a dry toilet, there are no facilities of any kind, including no fresh water.

NV Land Guide

The harbour, which is beautifully situated in a nature reserve, is not prepared for guests. A dry toilet, a telephone and a wooden shed - that's all that reminds us of civilisation here. Cows and sheep graze on the green spaces between the numerous rocks of the nature reserve. Only the permanent residents are allowed to drive up to the harbour with their cars. For the rest, the area is closed to cars. Just under a kilometre south of the harbour, a small holiday home area adjoins the nature reserve. Here you will find weekend houses in a fantastic location with a view of the Kattegat. Between the rocks and the beach meadows at the foot of the cottage area stretches a narrow sandy beach. There are no shopping facilities, but beautiful hiking trails in a lonely landscape with isolated farmsteads. The bird islands are located in front of the small harbor, a paradise for terns, eider geese and gulls.

Marina Information

Max Depth 1.5 m








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