
Marina near Kæret

Last edited 12.03.2024 at 15:34 by NV Charts Team


57° 29’ 35.7” N


10° 30’ 13.9” E


Large fishing harbour 4 nm north of Frederikshavn.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the harbour is possible day and night. It takes place via a channel marked with a pair of leading lights (2Iso.) (target depth 5 m). The fairway and the harbour tend to silting up. During easterly storms, a barrage may form off the harbour, with water depths only around 2m. In onshore gale force winds, yachts should not enter the harbour - due to the strong ground sea in the shallow water areas. The maximum speed in the harbour is 3 knots. In the harbour entrance outgoing ships have to wait until incoming ones have passed.


The southwestern part of the middle harbor will be kept free for guest berths.


The lively place during the fishing season offers quite good supply possibilities. At the harbour you will find  sanitary facilities as well as a  repair service and for fuel supply a petrol station. There is a 100 ton gantry crane.

NV Land Guide

The important Jutland fishing port is only gradually beginning to cater for pleasure craft. Because of the better supply possibilities, the northern basin in the harbour, which is nested by several piers, is the most popular with yachtsmen. The large fleet of trawlers and cutters is a source of disquiet, as are the shipyards, the machine shops and the lorries constantly manoeuvring around the harbour area.

If you want to take something positive away from the business, you can study the different types of catch on the fishing vessels. For example, cutters weighing between five and 15 tons usually engage in net fishing. In the group of fifteen to twenty tons are mainly wooden cutters, which are used, for example, to fish for shrimp on the seabed of the local waters and return to port almost every day.

Most of the cutters weighing over twenty tons are used to fish for cod or herring. Steel cutters weighing over 100 tonnes spend up to 30 days fishing for herring or cod in the North and Baltic Seas.

The former fishing village of Strandby is now a suburb of Frederikshavn rather than a village community in its own right. It has nothing worth seeing in its surroundings either, with the exception of the varied forest area "Tone Bakker" (ten kilometres to the west) and the oval church. The daring shapes of the church with its gable roof caused a sensation throughout Denmark in the sixties. There is also a beautiful beach north of the harbour, which stretches all the way to Ålbæk. Large areas of holiday homes surround the village.

Marina Information


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